This is a brand new video tutorial series that I am starting, and in #911Truth Part 1 I go over an introduction to just why I am making this video series, especially since the 9/11 “attacks” happened in September 11th, 2001, almost 16 years ago. I am making this video series because I have only recently come across the work of Dr. Judy Wood, an Engineering professor, that saw something the entire world did not on 9/11: The World Trade Center buildings did not “collapse” but rather turn into dust in mid-air! Yes that is exactly what I just said: turned to dust in mid-air!
I came across her work while watching videos by the online investigator Richard D. Hall, and after looking into Dr. Judy Wood’s research, I spent about a week trying to debunk her claims, yet could not…. #MindBlown
The implications of her research are civilization-changing and change our perception of reality itself. This is because the technology that was used to turn the buildings to dust in seconds suggests that the same technology could be used to develop #FreeEnergy technology. Thus putting to question the burning of oil, coal, and even nuclear/solar/wind/hydro, and if all that is even necessary anymore. This kind of technology also raises questions about the official narratives on climate change, war, poverty, politics, and even our entire human history…. What else is being kept hidden from us?
Now all of sounds extraordinary, but the proof is also extraordinary!
That is why I have started this video tutorial series, to reveal the truth about our reality to the masses, but also to eventually develop my own #FreeEnergy device, which will be open source for all to use and replicate!!
Follow me along this journey, and consider donating to my Patreon, PayPal, and Bitcoin so that I can work on this monumental project full-time! I will also be creating a crowd-funding campaign in the near future to be able to purchase the necessary materials and equipment, as well as pay other scientists just like Dr. Judy Wood, to join in the on the project of a lifetime!
Stay tuned as this video series will get into some very mind blowing evidence, and show just the true extent of what is possible in our reality. In the meantime, check out Dr. Judy Wood’s websites for more videos and information on her ground-breaking research:
Also make sure to buy her book “Where Did The Towers Go?” through my Amazon Affiliate link: https://mes.fm/judywoodbook
Buckle up as this is going to be a wild ride!
Stay Tuned For #911Truth Part 2…
Video notes and playlists:
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