In this video I provide my conclusions after reviewing the main paper on COVID-19 "virus" isolation and conclude that there was very little "isolating" being done. The paper involves a handful of patients assumed to have a "viral" infection of "unknown cause". Samples taken from the patients were assumed to contain a "virus". Genetic sequencing of non-isolated particles came up with a list of molecules (aka a "genome") and after comparing with other genomes, a "new virus" was "identified". The patient samples were then heavily processed in a complex procedure involving many different chemicals, cells, heavy metals, and then fixed with preservatives in a resin block. Optical light microscopy shows unclear images of supposed "cytopathic effects", and alleged "mock-infected" controls were not explained in any detail. High powered Electron microscope images of the heavily processed material showed blurry images of dead particles, which the authors assume to be "virions". Besides the need to examine the mainstream genetic sequencing science in depth, there was very little evidence in the paper of anything significant, and much less a "disease-causing invisible particle that can jump from person to person".
Some interesting "coincidences" that occurred during this COVID-19 psychological operation include China's new strict vaccine law coming into effect on December 1, 2019, the same day that the alleged "Patient Zero" developed symptoms. And then on New Year's Eve December 31, 2019, the China CDC sends their rapid response team to Wuhan... And "wuhan" itself can be rearranged to form the word "human", aka a human-contrived psychological operation.
And of course the paper ends by foreshadowing the global mind-control propaganda that was to follow soon after urging the public to "prevent, control, and stop the spread of 2019-nCoV"...
The paper is listed below:
The timestamps of key parts of the video are listed below:
This video is taken from my earlier video listed below:
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