In this video I promote my Telegram channel MES Links and its associated Discussion group. Recently I had created a Telegram channel and found it to be very useful to quickly share lots of links, images, and videos in one place and in real-time while I do my typical extensive research. This is a great way to keep track with what I am up to and currently researching. I post lots of information relating to mathematics, science, memes, and conspiracy topics so there is something for everyone!
The links to the channel and group are shown below:
MES Links channel: https://t.me/meslinks
MES Links Discussion group: https://t.me/meslinkschat
Note that the group allows users to post and discuss with other users, as well as comment on posts from the channel.
Also included in this video is a quick tutorial on managing the Telegram storage settings on the Telegram desktop and Android app. The Telegram apps can be downloaded through their official website: https://telegram.org/apps
The topics covered as well as their timestamps are listed below.
Related Videos:
MES Truth YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@mestruth
Alternative Links to Avoid YouTube Censorship: https://peakd.com/hive-106474/@mestruth/alternative-platforms-to-avoid-youtube-censorship .
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