Greetings to all my dear friends, I have been absent due to certain problems with the internet, for days I have not been able to connect and I no longer have the network service, which is why it has been difficult for me to be here as I used to, I hope to be able to solve it soon, since I am not working comfortably, because I have to be from home to my friends' house to be able to connect to the network and publish my work. For this week I didn't think I could participate either, but I made the effort and I'll try to keep doing it to regain consistency, although everything is getting more difficult for me, I bring you this cover full of a lot of feeling and very deep emotions, to be in the same frequency that you have suggested in the theme, Who shares your DELUX silence, I hope you enjoy it, a hug to all and thanks for stopping by.
Oh OH, cuantas veces te eh llorado
Oh OH y yo sigo alucinando, que tu y yo
Oh OH Volveremos a encontrarnos
Oh OH, algún día olvidarnos.
Eh perdido, toda fuerza y sentido
En mi corazón, Esperando tu regreso
Sueño y rezo, encontrar ese silencio
Sofocar tu voz, y olvidarme de tus besos
Oh OH, cuantas veces te eh llorado
Oh OH y yo sigo alucinando, que tu y yo
Oh OH Volveremos a encontrarnos lo que tu y yo
Oh OH, algún día olvidarnos.
Quédate conmigo hasta al final
Llévame contigo hasta el final
Quédate…. Llévame….
Oh OH, cuantas veces te eh llorado
Oh OH y yo sigo alucinando…
Oh OH, cuantas veces te eh llorado
Oh OH y yo sigo alucinando, que tu y yo
Oh OH Volveremos a encontrarnos, lo que tu y yo
Oh OH, algún día olvidarnos
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