A Black Pigeon Speaks, video (edited), which is addressing the recent events that have been unfolding - and the shape of things to come...
( I would highly recommend BPS regular video's for a take on current things that are happening in the world today )
Bear in mind that the biggest obstacle in the way of coming to terms with the fact you've 'led up the garden path', so to speak, is ego.
Kill your ego.
It makes you deaf to listening to new information, and blind to seeing what's right in front of your eyes.
Educate yourself.
(pssst...The sooner you do take off the blinkers, the less of an idiot you'll feel...)
There is nothing wrong, with being wrong....but not changing your position (based on new facts) - and to still carry on regardless in the face of new information, shows a stupidly , and a hubris, that will not go unnoticed ....
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