Hive Music Festival Week 85 - Round 1 - Cristo, heme aquí (esp/eng)


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    Published on Jun 01, 2024
    About :

    Saludos a todos los de esta gran comunidad, esta semana casi no alcanzo a presentarme, debido a que empecé a trabajar y ahora mi vida esta muy ocupada, sin embargo, no quería quedarme sin la oportunidad de cantar esta semana, le cogido mucho gusto a cantar mientras entono el piano, sigo diciendo que entonar un instrumento no es para mi, ya que solo disfruto mantener las notas básicas para poder cantar, adoro cantar es lo que mas me gusta y hacerlo con un instrumento es genial, pero si consiguiera alguien que entone un instrumento y yo cantar, seria lo ideal para mi.

    En esta ocasión canto un tema de Marcos Witt, "Cristo, heme aquí", es uno de esos temas que te permite llegar a la presencia de Dios y sentirte bien al decirle que estas aquí para que el te use de la forma que desea. Muchas veces sentimos que no podemos nada mas y en esas ocasiones, lo mejor que podemos hacer es buscar esa inspiración divina que nos permita tener un poco mas de esperanza y fe, a veces es difícil creer, pero no dejemos que nada nos desmotive y luchemos siempre hasta prevalecer.

    Este evento es organizado por @musiczone y este es el post del evento, para que puedan unirse.

    Greetings to everyone in this great community, this week I almost didn't manage to perform, because I started working and now my life is very busy, however, I didn't want to be left without the opportunity to sing this week, I really enjoyed it sing while singing the piano, I keep saying that singing an instrument is not for me, since I only enjoy maintaining the basic notes to be able to sing, I love singing, it is what I like the most and doing it with an instrument is great, but if I could find someone who sing an instrument and I sing, it would be ideal for me.

    On this occasion I sing a song by Marcos Witt, "Christ, here I am", it is one of those songs that allows you to reach the presence of God and feel good when telling him that you are here so that he can use you in the way he wants. Many times we feel that we can't do anything more and on those occasions, the best thing we can do is seek that divine inspiration that allows us to have a little more hope and faith, sometimes it is difficult to believe, but let's not let anything discourage us and let's fight. always until prevailing.

    This evento is organized by @musiczone and this is the post of the evento , so they can join.


    Cristo heme aquí
    hoy me quiero entregar
    para hacer tu voluntad
    guíame Señor
    Oh mi Cristo,
    déjame besar tus pies,
    déjame de Ti beber
    agua eterna
    pues ella me restaurara,
    me purificara,
    y así podre
    escuchar tu corazón


    Christ here I am
    today I want to give myself
    to do your will
    guide me Lord
    Oh my Christ,
    let me kiss your feet,
    let me drink from you
    eternal water
    Well she will restore me,
    she will purify me,
    and so I can
    listen to your heart


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    hmf 3speak music spanish appreciator hive neoxian palnet waiv

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