Awakening & The Paradigm Shift From Fear to Freedom Has Begun


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    Published on Apr 04, 2021
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    As mass global awakening continues to unfold, the paradigm shift from fear to freedom is well underway, and the signs the establishment is fighting a losing war against humanity are increasingly evident everywhere we turn.

    The Great Awakening:

    Awakening 2021 & the Path Ahead - Unplugging From the Matrix:

    Escape the Matrix (video):

    Starve the Beast, Feed the Light:

    Freedom From Fear & Victim Mentality (video):

    Fear, Victimization & Self-Empowerment (transcending 2-party politics):

    Much bigger than just exposing the lies surrounding the pandemic narrative and stopping the tyrannical Covid1984 technocratic agenda, this paradigm shift away from the old way of thinking that has kept humanity in chains and darkness for centuries has already begun and gained far too much momentum to be stopped now. It is about a shift in our collective consciousness from fear to love and freedom, from separation and division to unity, from greed to compassion, from judgement and blame to personal responsibility and direct action, from rampant consumeristic materialism to spirituality and harmony with nature, from chronic disease and perpetual war to peace and healing, from a focus primarily on profit to the wellbeing of humanity and our planet.

    From mainstream media hitting all-time low ratings in 2020, to unprecedented rampant censorship still not able to eradicate dissent from Big Tech social media platforms, the evidence of this paradigm shift taking place can be seen everywhere you look. An exodus from the oppressive system at the physical level of reality is taking place on a large scale in the world today, seen in the large number of people fleeing big cities for the country, fleeing from the US to Mexico, fleeing fear- and guilt-driven organized religions and cults to more open and tolerant spiritual paths and churches, fleeing the controlled media for independent alternatives, fleeing the rat race for more simple alternative lifestyles such as community living and the camping life. More and more people are not only waking up to the lies and unsustainability of the old fear/greed-based paradigm, an increasing number of people are also taking personal responsibility and direct action in their lives and the world around them to bring about positive change, and major changes are currently underway as a result. Change on a scale the world has not seen in centuries is currently taking place, and not only towards a dystopian tyrannical New World Order future as planned by the global elite, but also changes toward quite an opposite future of peace and freedom.

    Which of these two competing futures one sees at this point in the shift is almost entirely dependent upon which future one is focusing the majority of their energy upon. Where your mind goes, there your energy flows, so even focusing a majority of one’s attention on the global elite and their evil plans for our world in order to expose it and with the purpose of fighting it, this attention still energizes that darkness and also makes this dark future the future one sees as most likely or even inevitable. Those who, on the other hand, are focusing almost exclusively on withdrawing consent/support/energy from the system and instead focusing the bulk of their time and attention on building a better future and ushering in a new age of peace and freedom will primarily see that future instead, even as the totalitarian madness seems to close in on them from every angle. It may seem counterintuitive to largely ignore the evil machine and its mad rush to global tyranny, but we have reached a tipping point of awareness where most people no longer need to be told what is taking place for them to see the problem, they just need see practical solutions.

    Instead of pointing at the darkness, we can do much more good in this fight by focusing on how we can shine our own light on the world, especially in this day and age of awakening in which we are beginning to reach a tipping point of awareness where most people are already well aware of the deception and corruption of this tyrannical system at some level. Most don’t need more facts thrown at them to convince them that they or the establishment narrative are wrong, they simply need to be pulled out of their fear, at which point they will see the truth of what the establishment is doing as clear as day.

    People don’t believe the lies any longer, the truth is coming out on so many different levels at a rate of speed that it cannot be stopped, and therefore the biggest obstacle left between humanity and the new age of love and light that we all seek is our petty division amongst ourselves, and our choice to continue supporting a system we increasingly know is a main contributing factor to all that suffering we seek to free ourselves from. The single largest way we support that system is through our attention and involvement in their narratives, along with our fear. They literally feed off of our fear, so simply stop feeding them. As the number of people withdrawing their consent, their support, and their energy from the system and its fear-based narratives that neither serve us nor come close to reflecting the personal realities each of us experiences on a daily basis, the most important thing we can do becomes empowering ourselves, finding inner peace and happiness in our life, and working towards uniting humanity in love.

    Divided we fall, United we fly. As soon as we begin to let love guide us rather than fear, they have already lost the war, and humanity has won.

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    awakening spirituality conspiracy freedom revolution

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