Hello Friends!
We are back to share some of the activities that we recently did in our homeschool. Some of them are inspired by the Home Edders Community, as mom @arrliinn had shared.
We really enjoyed the activities. Here are three of them that we made in just one day!
We first had a brain exercise using the activity shared by @taliakerch. Little Man, Ryle, helped mommy color the activity sheet.
Then we took turns in trying it. It was both fun and challenging!
2. Celery Experiment
We saw how water went up the celery stalk! After 24 hours, we saw that the tip of the celery stalk was bright red!
3. Candle Experiment
This was so fun but you need an adult with you when you do this.
We lighted candles and then covered them with jars. The fire went off because there was not much oxygen inside the jars. Fire needs oxygen to light up.
You can watch how we performed these experiments in our video!
Until next time!
Ryle, Gabbie and Roulan
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