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Howdy, Hivers. Currently there is a lot of talk about things that we may not understand in depth, but if it is fashionable, then everyone uses it and sometimes unintentionally we are ridiculed. Many terms and even theories are being used happily without really understanding what is happening, an example of this is the experiment of "Schrödinger's Cat" where they talk about a theory regarding the behavior of photons, where they maintain a particle wave duality, theory based on quantum physics, which is why this scientist defines it as a cat that is locked in a box with a lethal poison that if activated the cat dies, but not being seen we do not know if it is alive or dead; the theory then tells us that based on this uncertainty the cat can be both alive and dead at the same time, until it is observed. Beyond a simple theory is something of real scientific depth, that many young people use arbitrarily without really knowing what it means, just because it is fashionable; similarly happens with many words and that is why I make this brief and very simple video, talking a little of procrastination and its different definitions. This is not the absolute definition but a brief commentary of many definitions and what it may be about.
It is important to always investigate in depth the concepts of things in order to reinforce knowledge, unfortunately we are becoming a society that little by little becomes empty and conformist. Knowledge is power and we are losing that power and being much more superficial, we no longer go in depth to understand things, even music is so empty that unfortunately it will lead us to backwardness.
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