Greetings, community. I am new to the platform. This is the second post I publish. This is the harp accompaniment in the Aragüeño joropo musical genre of the song "El Golpe de la Verdad"
Brígido Rios and Lino Pérez were the first to record this piece many years ago. Afterwards we all touched
Here is the link in X with my video:
Here is my video in my 3Speak Channel:
Brígido Rios y Lino Pérez fueron los primeros que grabaron esta pieza hace un bojote de años. Después la hemos tocado todosGreetings, community. I am new to the platform. This is the second post I publish. This is the harp accompaniment in the Aragüeño joropo musical genre of the song "El Golpe de la Verdad" Brígido Rios and Lino Pérez were the first to record this piece many years ago. Afterwards we all touched it.
Les comparto el vídeo en el que Pablo Emilio Ramírez interpreta esta pieza.
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