Here I share a video about my recent aolo traveler trip to Tiberias. I already ahared a post about it, but also wanted to add a video and some cool pictures that I specifically selected to add to this post to complement the video.
Tiberias ia one of the must that you have to consider if you are planning to visit Israel.
The local people or the expert travelers will recommend it without any doubt. But maybe if ypu ask to someone who is here for the very first time, will same that it doesn't worth to visit.
I went because is a place that I read a lot about in the Catholic Bible when I was a child, and it was the best choice ever!!
I really hope you can take around 2 minutes to watch the video to take a look at this amazing city.
In the meantime, I left here some of the best picturea that I took that day 😊
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