Ahoy fellow Splinterlands players. This 29th of May the latest Season in Splinterlands has ended. I did record my video that day but I still had to make the thumbnail, upload the post and write this text and since I was a bit busy yesterday I didn't get to it yet.
But here we are with my post claiming my Season Loot Chests and opening some Chaos Legion Packs!
This time I did things a bit differently and I didn't actually play ranked in Wild at all. My only battles in Wild mode were for the Wild Tournaments I joined in, my Brawl battles and maybe a Challenge here and there. Since I'm usually not on a LB place for Silver there I figured I'll see what happens if I focus more on Gold in Modern to get these chests. Also to see if I would stay at that rating or not.
So yeah all my Ranked battles have been taking place in the Modern format in Gold League. At the end of the season when I finished battling I then moved on to Diamond 3 in order to get Diamond End of Season loot chests next season.
I managed to get to 50 Diamond End of Season loot chests! In the last few hours of the season I battled a bit more and I grinded from 48 to 50 End of Season chests.
Now it's time to go open those Diamond Loot Chests
From opening those 50 Loot Chests I get the following rewards displayed in a screenshot from splintershare info made by deadzy
Here are those rewards in bullet list:
Compared to the last End of Season video I got much less SPS in these chests, around 40 less. I didn't really get that high of a Merit drop so it's only 928 now compared to 4k last time. I did get more potions for both types now. The same amount of Chaos Legion Packs. Maybe a few more chests contained cards this time!
Let's look at the cards now.
Common Cards:
Epic Cards:
Well unfortunately no Legendary SB reward cards in these chests =( Also it's quite a surprise that I didn't get any Rare SB reward cards in here. That must be a first for me that none of them are Rare! At least two of the chests contained some Epic SB reward cards so yeah luckily not all the cards were Common xD
I mentioned in the video that maybe I can get Gold Foil Drybone Barbarian to level 5 so that the Gold Foil gets the Retaliate ability too. Unfortunately that's not the case as I now have 3 copies of it. I've only gotten it Gold Foil once before these EoS chests and that was 1 copy. Still missing 2 more of those Gold Foils now to get it level 5.
Thanks to those 2 Gold Foil Swamp Spitter drops I do have enough to make the Gold Foil Swamp Spitter into level 5! Which I have done after recording the video.
Time to open 10 Chaos Legion Packs like I usually do after claiming my End of Season rewards. From those 10 packs I get the following cards, leaving out the Common Cards (except for Gold Foil).
Common Cards:
Rare Cards:
Epic Card:
Well no Legendary cards here either, but I did get one from the 10 packs last time so yeah. At least still an Epic in here! Also 3 Gold Foil cards that is pretty nice.
I got 13 Rare cards and 1 Epic card in here so definitely above the minimum amount, always good when it's above the minimum!
I'm trying to see if people are interested in having Vruz with the Martyr ability available so I started a seasonal delegation giveaway for a level 5 Vruz with the Martyr ability.
To use it at that level you need a Dragon Summoner, or Lux Vega. Dragon Summoners need to be Rare level 4, Epic level 3 or Legendary level 2 in order to play Vruz at level 5.
Well nobody followed the rules on my last End of Season Rewards video so there is no new winner. I suppose I'll just keep the Vruz delegated to last season's winner @new.things . Enjoy! 😄
It's really simple, just two steps
You have until the end of the current season to leave a comment to participate. The winner will be drawn when I claim my End of Season chests.
That's it for the rules to participate. Good luck to anyone that wants to join!
That wraps it up for this video.
Thanks for watching!
If you haven't signed up for Splinterlands yet and want to check it out, you can do so with my referral link at: https://splinterlands.com?ref=athunderstruck
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