A recent episode of the Atheist Republic New Show delved into the fierce backlash ex-Muslim creators, including Apostate Prophet, have faced from Hindu fundamentalists. The controversy began when Apostate Prophet, a well-known ex-Muslim content creator, tweeted an AI-generated image portraying the Hindu monkey god, Hanuman, in a manner that some Hindus found offensive. This sparked a range of reactions, with some even resorting to hate-filled and derogatory language towards Apostate Prophet, even assuming he was a Muslim. The Atheist Republic team shed light on the extreme reactions from the Hindu fundamentalist community, including threats of violence and harassment not just towards the critics but also extending to their families. Unwavering in their commitment to counter the hate and vitriol from the Hindu far-right, they plan to also stand in solidarity with those who bravely defy Hindu fundamentalism.
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Apostate Prophet Blasphemes Hinduism
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