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On January 25th, with an overwhelming 142 votes to 0, the French National Assembly officially passed a new law that bans LGBT so-called “conversion therapy.” The new law also imposes criminal penalties on those who practise the pseudo-scientific “therapy.” These penalties include a possible sentence of several years in jail and fines up to €45,000 ($34,000 USD) for cases involving children and vulnerable adults. According to MP Laurence Vanceunebrock-Mialon, the law sends out a strong signal because the law condemns those “who consider a change of sex or identity as an illness.” Elisabeth Moreno, Frances’s Equalities and Diversity Minister, condemned conversion therapy by calling such practices “barbaric.” The French president, Emmanuel Macron, expressed his support over Twitter saying, “let’s be proud of it … because being oneself is not a crime.” Similar laws have been passed in countries such as Canada, Germany, Brazil, Ecuador, Malta, and Albania.
New French Law Bans LGBT “Conversion Therapy”
Location: France
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