Ten months after the protests triggered by the custodial death of Mahsa Amini, Iran's notorious "morality police" have made a comeback, resuming their vigilant watch over the country's dress code enforcement. Renamed and equipped with body cameras, this controversial force is actively patrolling cities, keenly enforcing the mandatory hijab laws. Saeed Montazer al-Mahdi, the spokesperson for the Iranian police, has vowed to capture those wearing "extraordinary clothing" and "still insist on breaking the norms." Their oppressive reach has been felt across society, from ordinary women on the streets to even Iranian celebrities. For example, actress Azadeh Samadi was compelled to undergo "counseling" sessions for her alleged "personality disorder" after daring to attend a funeral wearing a cap instead of a hijab. This renewed crackdown by Iran's morality police, or 'Gasht-e Ershad' as they're known locally, has sparked widespread criticism. Responding to the situation, the US special envoy to Iran voiced concern on Twitter: "Concerned by reports that Iran’s so-called morality police are again cracking down to enforce mandatory hijab. It seems the regime has learned nothing from the protests. Women and girls everywhere should be allowed to wear whatever they want." The so-called morality police, a throwback to a repressive past, are thus once again the subject of heated international debate.
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