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On July 9th, the state-controlled Fars News Agency published an article stating that the country’s women do not like the black chador (a modest floor-length cloak secured under the chin, common among Shia Muslims) because it’s “too expensive.” On July 16th, the news agency repeated the statement in an article titled “Why Black Chador Isn’t Sold at Government Prices.” “The Islamic hijab is the most expensive covering, the most difficult to both find and afford. Not only have we failed to manage patterns of consumer behavior in society and to lay the appropriate groundwork, but our adversaries have planned how to exploit them and have directed the garment industry and market towards their own goals,” reads a statement from the newspaper Resalat on July 22nd. A business journalist in Iran said, “Hair salons charge around $94.50 for trimming and coloring. An ordinary black chador costs less than $31.50. So any change in women’s behavior is not down to price.” After living under the mandatory veiling laws for years, Iranian women have gotten bolder about showing their discontent. In 2014, Iranian journalist and activist Masih Alinejad kicked off the “My Stealthy Freedom” campaign, which grew to be a large movement challenging the compulsory hijab law. Yasmin Ariani and Saba Kordafshar are two of the many women imprisoned in Iran for their civil disobedience of unveiling in public.
Iranian Media Says Women Don't Like Chador Because It's "Too Expensive''
Location: Iran
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