That is 1500 ELO rating in Rapid Chess in Chess.com
I clarify that because well, if you are not familiar with Chess, there are many ways to rate your ELO (Chess playing level) depending on the platform you play in and the time format you engage with.
As you can see in the video, I am rated a little bit below 1,100... If you have been following my chess oddysey, you might remember that I was almost 1,300 a couple of videos back. Yeah, I lost almost 200 ELO points in the span of two weeks and I have no idea how that happened, I just started to play worse and I couldn't recover from the point loss. It's not like I lost them in the span on a day, it was a continuous, balanced, constant game loss that got me where I am right now.
So now, in this video, I am trying to bounce back from this Chess Trench I am, care to join me on this journey?
Click the video and comment, it helps me on my 3speak performance.
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