Exploring the chat application Telegram shortly after the commencement of Russia's military invasion into Ukraine was an experience where I was saturated by photography & video direct from the battle zones. I browsed Twitter and Telegram as an alternative to being spoon fed overly simplistic, biased propaganda from #msm mainstream media news sources but wasn't quite prepared to be immersed like this: literally dropped into the front-lines to view endless streams of war footage.
A huge amount of battle zone footage being uploaded from both military sides becomes too much to keep up with or make sense of. Unbeknown to me, the default storage and media settings for the Telegram application have it downloading all the uploaded footage locally to my phone. Not knowing what else to do with all this footage, I have done my best to sort it into categories where I can post it here to retain a record of it for posterity.
I have uploaded a .zip archive to anonfiles.com ,containing 104 separate .mp4 video files (.zip archive size 171.55mb). These can be re-uploaded to another file host upon request.
All of the below photos and video clips in the above archive come from several telegram groups (mostly pro-Russian) and were downloaded around Mid-March 2022.
This appears to be a photo taken of a live video feed or television broadcast
This is the end of part two.
Further footage and photos collected through Telegram from March 2022 of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine is forthcoming...
Interview with Scott Ritter: Amnesty Condemns Ukraine Army Human Shields; Kill Ratio & Pacific Nuclear War 12th August 2022. From https://politicsthisweek.wordpress.com/2022/08/11/not-the-bcfm-politics-show-presented-by-tony-gosling-101/
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