Fallido protector (Soneto) || Failed protector (Sonnet)


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    Published on Jun 04, 2023
    About :

    Fallido protector

    Tú tan solo querías que no te hirieran
    y yo, tu protector, solo te herí.
    Con las alas rotas me hallaste a mí
    y tu miel diste para que sanaran.

    Atendiste mis noches y mañanas
    con aromas de rosas y alhelí
    y yo me prometí cuidar de ti
    sin permitir que nadie te dañara.

    En el amor cosas vienen y van,
    que a la anterior pasión resucitaran
    y mis anhelos no pudieran resistir.

    ¡Duele saber que te falló el guardián!
    Tú tan solo querías que no te hirieran
    y yo, tu protector, solo te herí...

    Failed protector

    You only wanted not to be hurt
    and I, your protector, only hurt you.
    You found me with broken wings
    and your honey you gave to heal them.

    You tended my nights and mornings
    with scents of roses and wallflowers
    and I promised myself to take care of you
    without allowing anyone to harm you.

    In love things come and go,
    that the former passion would be resurrected
    and my longings could not resist.

    It hurts to know that the guardian failed you!
    You only wanted not to be hurt
    and I, your protector, only hurt you....


    Hoy hago un aporte más a mi serie de sonetos al estilo clásico de la lengua español. Sigo hurgando y experimentando con estos estilos, que para mí son la base de toda buen escritura. Siento que en el dominio de estas formms está el verdadero dominio del idioma y de su buena escritura.

    No es una tarea sencilla, pero sí es altamente enriquecedora y satisfactoria.

    La traducción al inglés solo pretende servir de apoyo a quienes no tengan un amplio dominio del español, pero que disfruten de este tipo de poesía.

    Today I make one more contribution to my series of sonnets in the classical style of the Spanish language. I keep digging and experimenting with these styles, which for me are the basis of all good writing. I feel that in the mastery of these forms is the true mastery of the language and its good writing.

    It is not an easy task, but it is a highly enriching and satisfying one.

    The English translation is only intended to serve as a support for those who do not have a good command of Spanish, but who enjoy this type of poetry.


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    literatura spanish poesia proofofbrain creativecoin palnte ctp literature poetry soneto

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