Ave Maria - Celine Dion Version - Cover Performed by @Peaq


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    Published on Oct 10, 2021
    About :

    Genre: Classical
    Please Seatback, Listen and Enjoy this beautiful piece of music.

    The Lyrics of Ave Maria by Celine Dion Cover

    Ave Maria, maiden mild
    Oh, listen to a maiden's prayer
    For thou canst hear amid the wild
    'Tis thou, 'tis thou canst save amid, despair

    We slumber safely 'til the morrow
    Though we've by man outcast reviled
    Oh maiden, see a maiden's sorrow
    Oh mother, hear a suppliant child

    Ave Maria

    Ave Maria gratia plena
    Maria gratia plena
    Maria gratia plena
    Ave ave dominus, dominus tecum

    The murky cavern's air so heavy
    Shall breathe of balm if thou hast smiled
    Oh maiden, hear a maiden pleadin'
    Oh Mother, hear a suppliant child

    Ave Maria
    Ave Maria

    Source: LyricFind

    Tags :

    music classical latin neoxian goodmusic musicforlife musiclovers ocd ocdb celinedion soundmusic livehivemusic

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