"Bad Penny" Rory Gallagher acoustic cover | Vibes web3 music competition week 6


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    Published on Mar 29, 2024
    About :

    Hello Vibes people! here is my entry for week 6, once again doing my best to bring better quality content content for this wonderful contest, this song is one my favorite from rock legend Rory Gallagher, i hope you enjoy my acoustic performance! good luck to everyone participating, see you next week!

    link to my entry:


    A big salute to @lordbutterfly @silentscreamer

    Un gran saludo a @ lordbutterfly @ silentscreamer

    I hope you liked my post! thanks for visiting!

    Espero que te haya gustado mi post, gracias por la visita!

    separador hive 6.png

    Palomo diseño original.png

    Follow me! / sígueme! @juliopalomo

    Tags :

    vibes music blocktrades waiv aliento threespeak contest livemusic neoxian palnet

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