Kickflip Memories 🛹 👊 [Esp/Ing]


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    Published on Nov 15, 2023
    About :

    Hello Hive Community.
    Welcome to another video for my channel, today I found old clips where I did good kickflips. The folder is called Kickflip memories.

    Hola, Comunidad de Hive.
    Bienvenidos a otro video para mi canal, el dia de hoy encontre clips viejos donde hacia buenos kickflips. La carpeta se llama Kickflip memories.

    And feel free to share it with your friends. So I hope you enjoy these clips that I've had saved for years. Believe it or not, watching these videos filled me with a lot of motivation, friends.

    Y no dude en querer compartirlo con ustedes amigos. Asi que espero que disfruten de estos clips que tenia guardados desde hace años. Aunque no lo crean ver estos videos me lleno de mucha motivacion amigos.

    Tags :

    skatehive skateboarding spanish video palnet neoxian sportstalk pob archon vlog

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