Excerpt from Lascia chío pianga (Rinaldo - Handel): Post Harpsichord Tuning Doodle 1


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    Published on Oct 04, 2021
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    Well, this is a post to test out 3Speak... first time user, and I'm curious to see how it all works out as I'm sort of intrested in posting the occasional video of harpsichord or fortepiano. Probably not so much on the Baroque string instruments that are actually my profession (Violin/Viola/dámore) but who knows!

    Anyway, I had finally found some time to tune the French double-manual harpsichord last night, so I was also toying around with where it would be best to put a phone for recording and all of that sort of thing. Plus, I just wanted to doodle around on the instrument whilst it was still holding it's tuning.

    The tuning that I had chosen, and generally choose for this instrument is:

    Pitch: A=415Hz
    Temperament: Werckmeister

    I had gotten around to tuning the two 8 foot sets and decided to leave the 4 foot for a different time. I was more interested in playing than in tuning!

    The instrument does need a touch more love and care than I have been giving it over the last few months. With the change in temperature and humidity, there are some keys that are either sticking or the plectra are missing the string (or not falling under correctly). Those things will have to be looked at at some point, but I'm not really want to do that at the moment... but it has to be done.

    Plus, the felt under lower manual needs to be redone.... as it gets quite audible with the clacking of the keys hitting the base of the instrument. Again, something to do for later... probably after the move to Australia.

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    So, I hope you enjoy this little doodle from the first half of the famous Handel aria Lascia chío pianga from the opera Rinaldo. Like any good entreprenour, Handel would reproduce his greatest hits into collections of keyboard and other ensemble publications for additional knock-on sales to the public! If nothing else, Handel was pretty business minded... unlike some of his contemporaries! A skill that is both useful but often derided by artists as well...

    Apologies for the splatty playing... I'm acutally a violinist by trade, and so keyboard instruments are more of a hobby for me. I should spend some time to practice... but I'm a bit lazy with that! That said... that is part of this experiment, if I manage to figure out a decent recording/posting schedule and setup for keyboard instruments, that will give more some incentive to start working harder on the pieces!

    PS: I think I'm going to need to plant the photos as an edit later from peakd.

    Tags :

    music classical-music harpsichord teamaustralia thealliance palnet neoxian creativecoin sonicgroove lifestyle blog

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