our first requirement is health. good health is every things. so i do not believe that how we can say that life with medicine is called healthy life. yeah medicine are necessary when we are living with any dangerous disease and our physician advised us to take medicine . but when we have disease that can be control without medicine then we should adopt this method instead of taking medicine. so we should change the our lifestyle, if we have bad lifestyle then it is necessary to change lifestyle.
i have few tips to change lifestyle into healthy lifestyle.
Get up early in the miring daily and go to bed early it is best way of health life.
Always walk morning time and evening time daily, daily walk at least 30 mints and same timing in evening time.
drink water 4 to 5 glass in winter season and 8 glass in summer season , this water is necessary to maintain healthy life style.
Do not eat very much cow,buffalo or big animal meat , if it is necessary then eat once a week. yeah you can eat small animal meat , like rabbit , or goat. but rabbit size animal are best.
eat birds meat
eat vegetable food, fruit
always try to keep control on anger
tolerance is best way of life to live happy healthy life.
eat garlic in food as salad
onion and tomato are best food in life
these are some necessary tips that can help you to live healthy life.
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