A warm greeting to this beautiful musical community. I sincerely hope that you have a great start to the week. I have the pleasure of sharing my interpretation with my trumpet of “Time In A Bottle”, a psychedelic folk-rock song composed by Jim Croce in 1970. The song was probably inspired by the birth of his son, Adrian James. This composer tragically dies in a plane crash shortly after the release, which causes a more significant impact. The lyrics deal with the desire to stop time and preserve happy moments. The instrumentation includes a harpsichord, acoustic guitar, bass, and drums. The tempo is moderate and creates an intimate and reflective atmosphere. The rhythm is simple and repetitive. The main key is D major, and modulations to nearby keys occur. In the case of the trumpet, the key of the score is G major, with a key change in the melodic bridge.
Spanish | Español (click here)
Un cordial saludo a esta bella comunidad musical. Espero de todo corazón que tengan un excelente comienzo de semana. Tengo el placer de compartir mi interpretación con mi trompeta de «Time In A Bottle», una canción folk-rock psicodélica compuesta por Jim Croce en 1970. La canción probablemente haya sido inspirada en el nacimiento de su hijo, Adrian James. Este compositor muere trágicamente en un accidente aéreo poco después del lanzamiento, lo cual causa un impacto más significativo. La letra trata sobre el deseo de detener el tiempo y preservar los momentos felices. La instrumentación incluye un clavicémbalo, la guitarra acústica, el bajo, y la batería. El tempo es moderado y genera una atmósfera íntima y reflexiva. El ritmo es sencillo y repetitivo. La tonalidad principal es D mayor, y se producen modulaciones a tonalidades cercanas. En el caso de la trompeta, el tono de la partitura es G mayor, con un cambio de tono en el puente melódico.
Imagine an hourglass. Each particle, one by one, slowly slides and falls, marking the inexorable passage of time. Each moment is unrepeatable. Sometimes, we find ourselves absorbed in the past, regretting mistakes or longing for better times, or so worried about the future, planning and fearing what is to come, that we forget to appreciate the beauty of the present. Many times we long to have been born in another time, or perhaps in a specific place. I think that each one of us has a fixed initial time and space, and that we are also masters of our destiny. One may be born in conditions of poverty, or in a time of conflict; however, each one can take the right path to a better life. My maternal family was born in a rural area where they dedicated themselves to planting crops and raising animals; however, many of them decided to go to the city, study at the university and build their destiny.
Spanish | Español (click here)
Visualicen un reloj de arena. Cada partícula, una a una, se desliza y cae lentamente, marcando el inexorable paso del tiempo. Cada momento es irrepetible. A veces, nos encontramos absortos en el pasado, lamentando errores o anhelando tiempos mejores, o tan preocupados por el futuro, planificando y temiendo lo que está por venir, que olvidamos apreciar la belleza del presente. Muchas veces anhelamos haber nacido en otra época, o tal vez en algún lugar específico. Yo pienso que cada uno de nosotros tiene fijado un tiempo y un espacio inicial, y que también uno es amo de su destino. Puede que uno nazca en condiciones de pobreza, o en un tiempo de conflictos; sin embargo, cada uno puede tomar el rumbo correcto para una mejor vida. Mi familia materna nació en una zona rural donde se dedicaban a la siembra y a la cría de animales; sin embargo, muchos de ellos decidieron salir a la ciudad, estudiar en la universidad y a construir su destino.
If I could save time in a bottle
The first thing that I'd like to do
Is to save every day till eternity passes away
Just to spend them with you
If I could make days last forever
If words could make wishes come true
I'd save every day like a treasure and then
Again, I would spend them with you
But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do, once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go through time with
If I had a box just for wishes
And dreams that had never come true
The box would be empty, except for the memory of how
They were answered by you
But there never seems to be enough time
To do the things you want to do, once you find them
I've looked around enough to know
That you're the one I want to go through time with
Images | Obtained in Unsplash |
Lyrics | “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce on Genius |
Thumbnail & Banner | Made with Adobe Creative Cloud Express |
Gifs | Created with EZGif |
Specific information | Bluewater Creative Group |
Original Track | Jim Croce - Time in a bottle, Bb-Instrument Play-along |
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