[ESP-ENG] Hive Open Mic - Week #128 - "Como un cristal" by Laura Londoño ~ Cover by @yalita ♥


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    Published on Sep 21, 2022
    About :



    Buenas días amigos de #OpenMic.

    ¡Por fin tengo internet! Y de verdad que extraña visitarlos y estar con esta bella familia que durante tanto tiempo me han recibido y apoyado. Quiero abrir mi primera entrada de regreso en esta comunidad porque justamente encontré una canción perfecta para la ocasión: "El desamor", ese tema que prácticamente el 60% de las canciones románticas hablan, y vaya que soy fanáticas de ellas. Ésta sería la tercera canción que subo a HIVE, de esta artista llamada Laura Londoño, canción la cual se titula "Como un cristal", y hacía más de 2 meses que quería compartirla con ustedes pero de verdad que ya se me había hecho imposible hacerlo, la limitancia principal: El internet, pero ya estoy nuevamente con ustedes cargada de todas las energías positivas y como siempre con todo el cariño del mundo. Un abrazo y nos vemos en la próxima oportunidad amigos. Saludos.

    Good morning friends of #OpenMic.

    I finally have internet! And I really miss visiting them and being with this beautiful family who have welcomed and supported me for so long. I want to open my first post back in this community because I just found a perfect song for the occasion: "El desamor", that song that practically 60% of romantic songs talk about, and boy am I a fan of them. This would be the third song that I upload to HIVE, by this artist named Laura Londoño, a song which is titled "Como un cristal", and for more than 2 months I wanted to share it with you but really it had become impossible for me to do it , the main limitation: The internet, but I am already with you again charged with all the positive energies and as always with all the love in the world. A hug and see you in the next opportunity friends. Greetings.



    Tardé tanto en comprender que todo era mentira
    Que solo yo era un juego, un capricho para ti
    Pregunté si era verdad lo que decían por ahí
    Que yo no era para ti, no para ti

    Siempre fui tan infantil en cosas del amor
    De ti todo lo aprendí contigo fui mujer
    Me enseñaste a soñar, me hiciste tan feliz
    Me rompí como un cristal y me perdí

    Siempre fui tan infantil en cosas del amor
    De ti todo lo aprendí contigo fui mujer
    Me enseñaste a soñar, me hiciste tan feliz
    Me rompí como un cristal y me perdí

    Mi sangre dejé correr y llegar hasta tu puerta
    Anunciando que por ti, que por ti yo estaba muerta
    Solo queda este lamento de esta pobre sombra en pena
    Que se embriaga por el miedo de tu ausencia

    Siempre fui tan infantil en cosas del amor
    De ti todo lo aprendí contigo fui mujer
    Me enseñaste a soñar, me hiciste tan feliz
    Me rompí como un cristal y me perdí

    Siempre fui tan infantil en cosas del amor
    De ti todo lo aprendí contigo fui mujer
    Me enseñaste a soñar, me hiciste tan feliz
    Me rompí como un cristal y me perdí


    It took me so long to understand that everything was a lie
    That only I was a game, a whim for you
    I asked if it was true what they said out there
    That I was not for you, not for you

    I was always so childish in things of love
    From you I learned everything with you I was a woman
    You taught me to dream, you made me so happy
    I shattered like glass and lost myself

    I was always so childish in things of love
    From you I learned everything with you I was a woman
    You taught me to dream, you made me so happy
    I shattered like glass and lost myself

    I let my blood run and reach your door
    Announcing that for you, that for you I was dead
    All that remains is this lament of this poor shadow in sorrow
    That gets drunk from the fear of your absence

    I was always so childish in things of love
    From you I learned everything with you I was a woman
    You taught me to dream, you made me so happy
    I shattered like glass and lost myself

    I was always so childish in things of love
    From you I learned everything with you I was a woman
    You taught me to dream, you made me so happy
    I shattered like glass and lost myself

    Lyrics source


    Tags :

    openmic music sing spanish lovesong desamor unloved hobby singing studio community hive family cover english creativecoin curie neoxian threespeak palnet pimp beatzchain aliento appreciator contest

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