Interesting Facts about Mars


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    Published on Oct 06, 2019
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    Interesting Facts about Mars

    Fact No. 1: Fourth Planet (Roman God of Battle)

    Mars is the 4th planet from Sun and last terrestrial planet in our solar system. Mars is 227,940,000 km away from Sun. Mars is sometimes referred as the Red Planet because of the red soil color of its surface, rich in iron content. Mars is also the second smallest planet (also smaller than earth) after mercury.

    Fact No. 2: Similar to Earth (Almost)

    Mars in comparison with Earth, is mere 15% of the volume and 10% the total mass of Earth, This is because 70% of Earth's surface is covered with Water, which is not the case with Mars. Mars has just 37% of the gravity in comparison with Earth, now that being said you could jump higher i.e. 3x times higher than on Earth.

    Fact No. 3: 687 Days = 1 Earth year and Eccentric

    The orbital radius of Mars is 227,840,000 km. It take 687 earth days for Mars to complete one rotation around Sun. Orbital path of Mars is most eccentric, i.e. it is least circular in of all planets in Solar system.

    Fact No. 4: Home to Intelligent Life

    Some scientist claim, Mars once was the thriving with civilization and intelligent life. This belief came after the scientific findings, the series of grooves and lines on the Martian surface. This claim came from Italian Astronomer, but later on the claim was discarded due to lack of full proof evidences.

    Fact No. 5: Largest Dust Storms and Tallest Mountain

    Durst storms are the regular phenomenon found on Mars. It is believed that these dust storms are due to planets eccentric and elliptical orbital path. These storms can last for days and months. The mountain (dead volcano) Olympus Mons is approximately 22 km high and has the diameter of 600 km, believed to be formed billions of years of ago.

    Fact No. 6: Most Favored by Space Agencies, Writers and Film Industry

    Hollywood has released tons of movies based on Martian Extra terrestrial attacking Earth, also most favored by Sci-Fi writers and so far 39 mission has been launched by space agencies around world to know learn and gain knowledge about Mars.

    Fact No. 7: Pieces of Mars on Earth

    It is found that asteroids carry traces of Martian soil and its environment. One theory suggest that these were ejected into open space due to Mars collision with Asteroids. Some of these meteorites may have landed on entered into earth orbit at some point or may still happen. This theory came into existence because these meteorites are found well before the Mars mission were planned.

    Fact No. 8: Colonizing Mars

    Spacex and Blue Origin has already planned the mission for Mars for Human colonization. There are many reason, that makes Mars an ideal planet for human colonization and possibly habitable for longer stay.

    Music By: Secession Studios (URL:


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