The origins of SARS CoV2 remain a mystery according to 'official experts', yet it has been abundantly clear since Professor Francis Boyle was interviewed at the start of 2020, that solid scientific documents show the origins to very likely be human scientists.
A huge wealth of evidence has emerged since then to back up Boyle's initial assessment. Boyle is the authore of the international and US law on bioterrorism, so is well position to understand the finer points of how the systems behind the kinds of research that can lead to dangerous new viruses.
One of the key puzzle pieces is that a company called Eco Health Alliance, fronted by Peter Daszak (seen with Fauci in the video here) was funded numerous times through the US government to perform 'gain of function' research on bat coronaviruses, which took place in Wuhan, China.
The story here is so huge and important that it takes hours of research just to look through the evidence put together by investigators and scientists - however a brief summary is as follows:
In this video we see a whistleblower of sorts from the US military who shared a document which shows that the Gain of Function research carried out by Eco Health Alliance was rejected by DARPA at the defense dept. for being too dangerous!
The people responsible for looking after an arsenal of nuclear weapons considered this work too dangerous to accept, yet Anthony Fauci approved it and funded it!
So Fauci has known since the beginning that he had funded dangerous research exactly of the kind that could have generated SARS CoV2 in exactly the location where it 'emerged' - and yet he never mentioned it until others forced him to discuss it....
Only super low IQ individual or someone so deeply intrenched in their own denials and fantasy would could look at the facts here and not call for the immediate removal of Fauci from office and realistically also his arrest..
And yet, here we are, in a world where appearances trump reality due to so many people's brains being dominated by optical processes.. We are literally at the point where the entire human experience could end for everyone, primarily because the people who like 'shiny things' have more power than the people who actually pay attention to reality.
Why would you expect someone who is this dishonest to oversee a successful or honest healthcare response to the situation? I wouldn't and he didn't!
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Wishing you well,
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