Crisis Of Compassion


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    Published on Oct 06, 2021
    About :

    Dr. Peter Mcullough is one of the most accomplished and cited medical scientists and Doctors in the world. I shared an interview from him back in May 2021 and he is now back with another great talk that exposes a lot of what is really going on with COVID19. He highlights massive medical malfeasance, political corruption, epic human tragedy CAUSED BY DOCTORS and POLITICIANS and Much more.

    Summary of his talk:

    • He is a trained Epidemiologist and Cardiologist. He has chaired numerous safety boards and is very highly cited as a scientist, with over 650 papers published.
    • Something is going very wrong in the medical world and treatment for COVID19.
    • Previous standards for withdrawing vaccines due to deaths caused by the vaccines have been abandoned.
    • The SARS CoV2 spike protein manufactured by the body in response to being injected by COVID shots is itself a highly dangerous protein.
    • Such injections of deadly toxins has never been done in human history.
    • There has been a total failure to monitor COVID shot programs correctly for safety.
    • People excluded from clinical trials, including pregnant women, should not have been given the shots.
    • Monthly safety reports have been missing and instead we have propaganda programs demanding vaccination.
    • Proper safety monitoring would have resulted in the COVID19 shot programs being stopped due to excessive deaths caused by the shots.
    • US government has been malfeasant in it's duty of care to the population.
    • More people have been disabled due to COVID19 shots than suffer with some forms of cancer.
    • Study showed 86% of deaths logged in VAERS for COVID19 shots had no possible explanation other than the COVID19 shots.
    • CDC & FDA both claimed none of the deaths were due to the vaccine - they lied.
    • Another study showed that there is more risk of dying from the vaccine than there is from COVID19 across ALL age groups.
    • Yet another study on the US Adverse Reaction Reporting Database (VAERS) shows that the data satisfies the requirements to show that the COVID19 shots are extremely dangerous.
    • Additional peer reviewed literature supports vaccine induced blood clotting being common, with name: Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT).
    • This study identifies high blood pressure, leading to brain aneurysm in some people, being another not so uncommon result of the shots.
    • Heart inflammation cases due to the shots are over 5000 in the US alone - this specifically affects children and is being ignored by politically driven vaccination drives.
    • Children are much safer to not be injected with COVID19 shots. Note: that the recent undercover recordings of Pfizer and J&J scientists show they secretly know and support this view too - Greed is driving policy. The vaccines will do more harm to children than COVID19 and must not be used on children.
    • Everyone who takes a COVID19 shot is in scientific research and they have not been properly informed in order to provide their consent. (Note: this is a breach of the Nuremberg code of medical ethics which previously led to the execution of many Doctors and nurses following World War 2 - so don't be surprised when you see a wall of propaganda voices on social media and mainstream trying to ridicule this information).
    • The principle medical consulting group to the WHO has concluded that the vaccination program must be halted in order to carry out full safety analysis.
    • His team were behind the presentations shown to the FDA that led them to reject the Pfizer booster shots.
    • The shots have failed to handle the Delta variant of SARS CoV2. 66% of people who get sick with Delta have been fully vaccinated.
    • Pfizer vaccine's efficacy has dropped below 50%, meaning it is not good enough to be used (but still will be). The Israeli outbreaks are higher post vaccination with Pfizer than it was before vaccination.
    • US CDC started to try to warp the data to make vaccines look safer and more effective than they likely really are.
    • Public health agencies are inept and dangerously led.
    • Media claimed that nearly all people hospitalised for COVID19 were unvaccinated but it was a lie. This study shows 23% of American hospitalised for COVID19 had been vaccinated.
    • The shots have a < 1% absolute risk reduction rate which means it is impossible for them to influence an epidemic level of disease. "The vaccines have had zero impact on the epidemic curve".
    • The use of mass vaccinations during epidemic level of disease drives mutations and is very dangerous. The virus evolves to prevent vaccines from being effective directly in response to the existence of the vaccines (antigenic escape).
    • Delta variant is thriving in the vaccinated population. The vaccines do nothing to help prevent carriage of the virus. A vaccinated person is of equal threat to others as unvaccinated people are.
    • Early home treatment is the only approach that works for COVID19. This has been denied and deliberately avoided by the vast majority of Doctors and healthcare workers. Apathy among 'healthcare professionals' has killed many people.
    • Many Doctors are ashamed of what they have done during COVID19.
    • His paper on early treatment extensively covers home treatment. Many medical publications are corrupt.
    • We cannot wait for randomised control studies in an emergency situation.
    • Most people under 50 don't need treatment for COVID19.
    • 1000 studies have been published which evidence his early treatment protocols (non vaccine treatment for COVID19). None of his patients have been slaughtered by SARS CoV2.
    • Every person who died under medical care for SARS CoV2 was inadequately treated.
    • This guide to home based COVID 19 treatment is essential reading, read by millions because of the total failure of the public health response.
    • Major cities in Italy got down to zero COVID19 due to using HCQ.
    • Other regions crushed the COVID19 curve using Ivermectin and multi-drug programs.
    • People being sick with COVID19 and not getting any drug treatment is malpractice.
    • 20+ studies show natural immunity is far superior to the effects of COVID19 shots.
    • The naturally immune people will be the ones to bring freedom to the population as the vaccinated population continues to get sick.
    • 'Blaming the victim' has been normalised by mainstream media and politicians.
    • While vaccinated people may be easier to treat when sick with COVID19, this is in no way justification for continuing the vaccination usage, given the risk profile and alternatives that are safer.
    • There has been a suppression of treatment in order to promote vaccines that has led to massive suffering and isolation.
    • Australia has more vaccine deaths than COVID deaths.
    • COVID19 was pre-planned to create a global change that fits into dark plans of covert groups.
    • 'COVID19 And The Global Predators' is a book with 1000 references that exposes many details of the situation.

    Wishing you well,
    Ura Soul

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