There are many examples of the way that basic and simple nutrition and mineral based treatments for immune related disease and other issues have been effective, yet where the mainstream systems refuse to use them. As others have pointed out, how many times have you heard the governments giving specific nutrition and vitamin advice regarding COVID19? I personally haven't heard it even ONCE!
In this video a farmer was given a death sentence due to 'Swine Flu' in New Zealand. Despite being about to disconnect his life support systems, the hospital and 'doctors' refused to try high dose intravenous Vitamin C on the request of his family. Such treatment is cheap and easy to administer, yet they refused due to... reasons.
His children eventually put enough pressure (perhaps even physical force) on the people in the hospital and the Vitamin C treatment was given and he returned to life quite quickly!
Don't ever trust 'voices of authority' without doing your own due dilligence research and coming to your own understandings - your life depends on it.
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul
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