Disturbing footage from a rooftop in Kazakhstan shows the moment that government forces, possibly backed up by Russian troops open fire on a crowd of angry protesters who had stormed government buildings. Mainstream reports state dozens were killed and 2000+ have been arrested, though real figures may be much higher.
image source: Huffington Post
This footage has not made it into the mainstream channels from what I have seen. While we do not see any actual violence in the scene, it is clear that a large number of shots were fired with numerous explosions, possibly from grenades launched by defending troops.
Huffington Post reports that the protest is over 'fuel prices', however, the demands being made by the protesters include much more than that. The gist of the complaints stem from political domination coming from the ruling party that has been in power since the country escaped the Soviet Union three decades ago and some translations of demands include an end to COVID19 vaccination rules too.
Prices of some fuels in the area have doubled following removal of government price controls, which no doubt has caused many people to become upset. However, gasoline prices in the area are actually only around 25% of the price that they are in many other nations and Kazakhstan is a vast area, the size of Western Europe, containing a great supply of natural fuel sources.
The suppression of critical voices in Kazakhstan has long been the norm. Any figures aspiring to oppose the government have either been repressed, sidelined, or coopted
source: EuroNews
While I am definitely not an expert in Kazakhstan politics, from what I can gather, this looks like another example of 'liberation' from the tyranny of big government (in this case the Soviet Union) not actually working and simply resulting in a change of form, with little substantive difference. As long as there is a huge wealth gap in society, with the wealthiest living as untouchable Kings and the majority living in poor conditions - there will always be unrest that can easily spill over into full on war.
Clearly the anger in the region is high, with one police man being beheaded by the crowd. The fact that Russia and other nearby countries have sent troops to put the resistance to the government down shows us that they are not really interested in the voice of the people - given that the protests have massive public support. These governments are calling the protesters 'terrorists' and have described their mass killing as 'liquidation' (a banking term). The fact that these governments have never even attempted to address the needs of the majority of people in a real way and never addressed massive inequality tells us all we need to know about their intentions - they seek personal power and will do whatever it takes, in many cases, to hold on to it.
To further this thought, since we all know of many examples of 'leaders' of countries going power crazy, refusing to relinquish control and ending up dead or killing many people - this should logically be the highest priority problem to solve when designing systems of governance. In reality, this is almost never addressed when systems of governance are created, which again shows the intent of those designing the systems. The US constitution does at least pay lip service to this problem by requiring that US citizens are able to be armed to fight off a tyrannical government - however, instead of recognising this as a useful 'eject button' for people to escape the system when they have had enough, even the US government has armed it's internal troops beyond all reason and tried to train them to kill US citizens when commanded.
The amount of rage and upset that sits beneath the surface of populations in many parts of the world is vast and with people seeing only their own old age and death in their future, they will understandably seek to use whatever means necessary to improve their lives now. This is essentially the root of many of the problems, as long as people don't feel good they will be prompted to take action to change that and when they are left with no option but violence, that is what they will likely do (or die).
The only possible solution to this is HEALING, BALANCING and EVOLVING - as I have been advocating for for 15 years. This means that we all recognise the deeper truth of our predicament and do what is necessary to heal ourselves individually through personal emotional processing in order to feel better and to have the clearer minds needed to achieve real greatness. We also need to have the heart, courage and compassion to seek balance in society, so that we are not overpowering the free will of anyone. This fundamental principle of not overpowering free will is key and it is something that is almost entirely missing from society, replaced instead with systems of control which claim to hold the balance but which, in truth, actually only result in the thoughts of a small number of people being enacted to control the majority through threat of or actual violence.
Violence is no way to design a world, yet that is actually what government relies upon - so no-one should be surprised when violence erupts around governments. It's time for evolution now - we are late, in fact.
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul
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