Super Mario Bros Part #1 - Will I get through the rest or will I just keep dying?


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    Published on Jan 17, 2023
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    The original keeps getting better!

    Well that didn't take long to die, world 5 decided to show me to not mess with it!
    My recording got disrupted by a knock on the door as well, it was quite a hot day and this was someone asking for a lift as the bus driver wouldn't let them on, but no I couldn't give them a lift and don't trust people, plus my car isn't registered for driving right now.

    Anyways... Got to love these hammer throwing bastards that make it as annoying as facing Bowser when he throws the hammers. Ooo a piece of candy star!.. anddddd I missed it anyway. The water stage it heaps annoy which is the same as a water stage in any Mario game, in fact most games have annoying water stages because torment comes in many forms!

    I have numerous deaths and issues on the missile stage, bad jumping and not playing well got me but it happens.
    Facing Bowser sees me lose the final life and continue from the start of World 5, so I quickly ran through the levels to make it back. Was an easy and quick victory while still having fire Mario.

    World 6 has another platform stage and some pretty easy parts, probably more enjoyable than world 5, I will let you enjoy seeing how this one goes though and same with Bowser.

    World 7 I HATE!!! Missiles everywhere, a water level for more pain, then some stupid flying fish?! Oh how cruel you be to make me put up with such a challenge... then Bowser requires selecting the right path to make it through because why not?
    This is a great world don't get me wrong, it's one of the more annoying but enjoyable worlds while having a bigger challenge!

    Now we come to world 8 with big gaps, deaths and more to show just what you are up against for making it so far.. oh of course more hammer throwers haha!
    Bowser level requires going through the correct pipes to progress through the castle if you want to make it to Bowser. Did someone say a bit of water and jellyfish, while bringing out basically anything, almost for this final castle?

    Will you look at that. Mario Bros 1 is complete! Well there is the second playthrough of it but I will wait for that until down the track!

    Streamlabs OBS used for recording and setting the scene with SNES font, my avatar and the game picture for what I am playing.

    Emulator used: RetroArch
    ROMS: They are the games
    Saving: Using emulator saving between levels or occasionally in tough parts so I don't always die and repeat so then the game can get completed.

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