There are lot of questions about cryptocurrency and its compatibility as the next best alternative currency of paper currency. Specially the people who have not vast idea about Blockchain, sometimes suspect cryptocurrency as a invalid property.
This video will give you some basic idea about the physical limitations of paper currency, it's day by day revolution and a comparative study with cryptocurrency.
So all Leofinancers, let's have a cup of tea with gossiping..
Liquidity of money.. is being contaminated by it's inherent limitations.. during its journey from very beginning.. a lot of development it faced.
But still now it is plunged in its journey, by it's development, for its accuracy. What would be the next pace.. isn't it in the crypto formate?
Here I discuss, why the next world is only for cryptocurrency? I only compared between the physical characteristics to draw a conclusion about the discussion. This will avoid the comparison about value or virtue.
Thanks to all.
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I am Tariqul Islam
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I believe, Life is beautiful!
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