Red Dead Redemption 2: Stealing and Love? [ENG-ESP]


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    Published on May 19, 2024
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    Red Dead Redemption 2: Stealing and Love? [ENG-ESP]


    Hello HIVE community.

    In this video without commentary I bring 2 missions of Read dead Redemption 2, a game which I have recently tested, in this case a pair of totally different missions.

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    First we infiltrate into the house of the cousin of a man who has a family problem, and steal money, then we steal his wagon and return to where the relative who hired us, a simple assignment for Arthur Morgan protagonist.

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    Later we go to rescue the brother of Arhur's ex-girlfriend, who commissions us and we accept the favor, in this case as you can see we did not have the best of attitudes with the boys of the organization.

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    Finally the brother tries to escape and we catch up with him on the train tracks, prevent him from doing something crazy, and take him to the station where his sister is waiting.

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    Well a demonstration of how random the game can be, although it has more serious missions but it is entertaining to see everything that offers such a complete game.

    Thank you very much to everyone for reading or watching the video!!!! see you in the next one.


    Hola comunidad de HIVE.

    En este video sin comentario traigo 2 misiones de Read dead Redemption 2, un juego el cual he probado hace poco, en este caso un par de misiones totalmente distintas.

    Screenshot 2024-05-19 165915.png

    Primero nos infiltramos dentro de la casa del primo de un señor el cual tiene un problema familiar, y le robamos dinero, posteriormente robamos su carreta y regresamos a donde el familiar que nos contrato, un simple encargo para Arthur Morgan protagonista.

    Screenshot 2024-05-19 165942.png

    Posteriormente vamos a rescatar al hermano de la exnovia de Arhur, que nos encarga y aceptamos el favor, en este caso como podran ver no tuvimos la mejor de las actitudes con los muchcachos de la organizacion.

    Screenshot 2024-05-19 165950.png

    Finalmente el hermano intenta escapar y lo alcanzamos en las rieles del tren, evitamos que cometa una locura, y lo llevamos a la estacion donde espera su hermana.

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    Bueno una demostracion de lo random que puede ser el juego, aunque tiene misiones mas serias pero es entretenido ver todo lo que ofrece un juego tan completo.

    Muchas gracias a todos por leer o ver el video!!!! nos vemos en la siguiente.

    Remember to check out My Game on HIVE!!





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