Greetings Hive friends! Today I want to share my experience resuming handstand training and shoulder strengthening at home. This exercise is fundamental in calisthenics and although I mastered it quite well last year, I had to abandon it for a while due to limitations in my training. Now that I've decided to refocus on it, I've found that I still have some ability, but finding the right balance and posture has become a challenge.
Al principio, tras varios intentos, logré mantener la posición invertida durante algunos segundos. Sin embargo, noté que necesitaba corregir mi postura. Para ayudarme, utilicé la pared como soporte, apoyando la parte frontal de mi cuerpo. Esto me permitió encontrar un balance más natural y ajustar mi alineación. Después de algunos intentos adicionales, logré mejorar mi postura, pero me di cuenta de que ya no tengo la misma resistencia ni fuerza que antes. Para trabajar en esto, incluí en mi sesión algunos ejercicios básicos que son esenciales para fortalecer mis hombros. Realicé la lean planche, lean push-ups, lean press y Arnold press. Repetí estos ejercicios en tres series, lo que fue suficiente para fatigame por completo. Aunque el camino hacia la recuperación de mi resistencia y fuerza será gradual, estoy decidido a mejorar cada día.
At first, after several attempts, I managed to hold the inverted position for a few seconds. However, I noticed that I needed to correct my posture. To help me, I used the wall as a support, supporting the front of my body. This allowed me to find a more natural balance and adjust my alignment. After a few more attempts, I managed to improve my posture, but I realized that I no longer have the same endurance and strength as before. To work on this, I included in my session some basic exercises that are essential to strengthen my shoulders. I performed the lean planche, lean push-ups, lean press and Arnold press. I repeated these exercises in three sets, which was enough to completely fatigue me. Although the road to regaining my endurance and strength will be gradual, I am determined to improve every day.
Espero que este video les haya resultado interesante y útil. La perseverancia es clave en cualquier proceso de entrenamiento. ¡Nos vemos en la próxima publicación! Saludos y bendiciones para todos.
I hope you found this video interesting and useful. Perseverance is key in any training process, see you in the next post! Greetings and blessings to all.
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