Tomorrow is the day you can start to earn Towncoin while playing TownStar. This is a big change for the game. I break down what you will need to start earning this coming and why I think that those of us that start to earn it early with benefit a lot. I want to be upfront that this is not a free play2earn game. You will need to own at least 1 TownStar NFT or a Vox. Watch to learn more about that. I also have a bonus at the end and cover the update they put out on the Gala chain. It will solve a lot of the ETH gas issues the project faces.
If you use my link I might get a free NFT there are no bonuses right now.
Enter Gala Games:https://gala.fan/nYcwu_HJsH
Time Stamps
0:03 Intro
0:55 How do you earn TownCoin?
2:17 What is Gala Power?
4:43 Vox added to TownStar
5:12 Gala Power Levels
7:00 How much TownCoin will you earn?
8:25 Vox Collectibles to the moon?
11:54 Gala Chain Almost Here.
14:55 Goodbye
TSP2E Post: https://blog.gala.games/tsp2e-your-biggest-questions-answered-15fd19a1238a
Vox in TownStar Post: https://blog.gala.games/town-star-play-to-earn-starring-vox-ae7230c67cd7
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