Hola queridos amigos de Hive y 3Speak.
Hello dear friends of Hive and 3Speak.
En esta ocasión les traigo el tercer episodio de Valpard donde les comparto mi ejecución de algunas técnicas de engaño o cambios con las cartas. Dichas técnicas las aprendí de mis dos magos favoritos que son Bebel y Daniel Madison, grandes maestros y artistas de la cartomagia.
On this occasion I bring you the third episode of Valpard where I share with you my execution of some techniques of deception or changes with the cards. I learned these techniques from my two favorite magicians Bebel and Daniel Madison, great masters and artists of card magic.
Este video lo titulé Changes, espero les guste. ◆
I titled this video Changes, I hope you like it. ◆
All the demonstration in the video has been done by me
Video edited through VN
Image edited using Canva
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