Today I will show you another special and healthy Bengali Curry recipe Climbing Perch Fish Curry with Beans & Potato. Beans and potatoes are a vegetable that we all love to eat. We know that potatoes and beans are very nutritious vegetables that increase our immunity and help us stay healthy. We know Climbing Perch fish contain a lot of iron and copper which helps in making hemoglobin in our blood.
So today's recipe is very healthy item for our body. Let's see how to make this Healthy & Delicious Climbing Perch Fish Curry recipe with Beans & Potato.
For this you need-
Check the way and learn how to make it.
Be healthy- Be safe!
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Words about me: I am Tania Akter from Bangladesh. I am working in a private company after graduation. At the same time I am trying to practice income tax. It is very difficult to study alongside a job. I love to cook, because I love delicious food. I also love to travel and watch movies. Most of time of holidays I try to enjoy cooking and watching movies. | : | Follow me outside: Twitter & YouTube |
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