Hello friends, I hadn't skated for many days, my friend David was involved in other things and going out skating alone is not something I really like. But today I was able to skate and decided to start doing some lines.
Hola amigos tenia muchos dias sin patinar, mi amigo david estaba en otras cosas y salir a patinar solo no es una cosa que me guste mucho. Pero hoy pude patinar y decidi empezar hacer algunas lineas.
Most of the time we always leave the camera recording a single shot, this line is very basic since I can control the Nollie noseslide and the 360 kickflip well and I decided to combine them in this line.
La mayoria de veces siempre dejamos la camara grabando un solo plano, esta linea es muy basica ya que puedo controlar bien el Nollie noseslide y el 360 kickflip y decidi juntarlos en esta linea.
I hope you enjoy it and I hope I can make lines with a little more difficulty.
Espero que la disfruten y espero poder hacer lineas con un poco mas de dificultad.
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