Hello Hivers❗🐝 welcome to a new video, today we meet again in assasins creed iv, to continue the story where we left off previously, and after being betrayed by the sage at the time of activating the mechanism of the observatory, so it's time to continue the story and see what happened to Edward's whereabouts, that said join me, and let the video begin ❗🐻🚀🎮
❗Hola Hivers❗🐝 bienvenidos a un nuevo vídeo, hoy nos encontramos de nuevo en assasins creed iv, para continuar con la historia donde lo dejamos anteriormente, y luego de ser traicionados por el sabio al momento de activar el mecanismo del observatorio, por lo que es momento de continuar la historia y ver que sucedió con el paradero de Edward, dicho esto acompáñenme ❗y que comience el vídeo ❗🐻🚀🎮
After everything that happened in the previous episode, and after Edward fell at the hands of the sage due to the injuries he caused himself in the fall we had, there comes a time when we wake up from the animus, and we find ourselves in a new area where apparently it is restricted because someone has realized the hacks we have been doing in the computers of the place, so we must keep up appearances to not be discovered.
Luego de todo lo sucedió en el episodio anterior, y de que Edward cayera a manos del sabio debido a las heridas que se ocasionó en la caída que tuvimos, llega un momento en el que despertamos del animus, y nos encontramos en una nueva zona en donde al parecer está restringida debido a que alguien se ha dado cuenta de los hackeos que hemos estado haciendo en las computadoras del lugar, por lo que debemos mantener las apariencias para no ser descubiertos.
At the time of re-entering the animus, we are again with Edward but this is in port royal, and has been delivered to the English soldiers through the wise man who wanted to collect the reward for the capture of Edward, so we are in a kind of court where pirates are sentenced to punishment and in the worst case to death by hanging, the funny thing is that when we arrive at the time we find Mary and allies of Edward captured too, as apparently they were trying to steal resources from English ships, so they were captured and in this context it is explained to us that Jack Rackham was also killed in combat and that Bonnet was apparently hanged on the gallows for having helped blackbeard in his pirate activities and stealing medicines, so this is very bad news and only lets us know that we have lost more allies.
Al momento de entrar de nuevo al animus, volvemos a estar con Edward pero este se encuentra en port royal, y ha sido entregado a los soldados ingleses por medio del sabio que ha querido cobrar la recompensa por la captura de Edward, por lo que nos encontramos en un especie de juzgado en donde los piratas son condenados a castigos y en el peor de los casos a la muerte en la horca, lo curioso es que al llegar al momento encontramos a mary y aliados de Edward capturados también, ya que al parecer estuvieron tratando de robar recursos de barcos ingleses, por lo que fueron capturadas y en este contexto se nos explica, que Jack rackham fue abatido en combate también y que Bonnet al parecer fue colgado en la horca por haber ayudado a barba negra en sus actividades piratas y robar medicamentos, por lo que esto es una muy mala noticia y solo nos deja saber que hemos perdidos más aliados.
In this place Edward tries to think what to do to escape from the situation, but the governor makes an appearance and arrives with his Templar allies, all to tell Edward that he already knows who he is, and where he comes from, and what are his intentions and the reason why he has decided to become a pirate captain, so they tell him that if he decides to tell them where the observatory is they will do that he can get out free from being judged as a pirate, to which Edward does not agree and tells them that he does not plan to say anything, in this way the Templars decide to withdraw and leave Edward to his fate, so here we can see that Mary is being tried and is sentenced to be hanged, but both allies of Edward argue that they are pregnant because it is forbidden in the laws of the English of the time that a pregnant woman can be executed, So the verdict is to leave them in prison until the stage of pregnancy culminates, so Edward is also sentenced to die in a cage with surveillance at all times and that is how we are prisoners and at the mercy of the English soldiers.
En este lugar Edward trata de pensar que hacer para poder escapar de la situación, pero el gobernador hace acto de presencia y llega con sus aliados templarios, todo para decirle a Edward que ya sabe quién es, y de donde viene, y cuales son sus intenciones y la razón por la cuál ha decidido convertirse en un capitán pirata, por lo que le dicen que si decide decirles en donde está el observatorio que harán que pueda salir libre de ser juzgado como un pirata, a lo que Edward no accede y les dice que no piensa decir nada, de esta manera los templarios deciden retirarse y dejar a Edward a su suerte, por lo que aquí podemos ver que mary esta siendo juzgada y que es sentenciada a la horca, pero ambas aliadas de Edward argumentan que están embarazadas pues está prohibido en las leyes de los ingleses de la época que pueda ser ejecutada una mujer embarazada, por lo que el veredicto es dejarlas en prisión hasta que culmine la etapa del embarazo, por lo que Edward también es sentenciado a morir enjaulado con vigilancia en todo momento y es así como quedamos prisioneros y a merced de los soldados ingleses.
This is how 4 months pass in which we are prisoners and we are still trapped at the hands of the English, but it is thanks to Edward can notice the presence of someone in the distance behind the soldiers that he begins to distract them, and make all kinds of noises, so that the guards are distracted and the strange subject can approach him, this is how the subject begins to kill the guards one by one and finally reaches Edward's location, it is here where we can see that it is the master of the assassins who has come to his aid, but he tells him that he has come in search of Mary and her ally, but he has decided to free Edward and that he owes him nothing for that, so Edward agrees to help him and together they manage to get Mary and Edward's ally out of prison, although Mary is really bad and on the verge of death because she has had a forced delivery at the hands of the English, also Edward finds Vane, our former ally, caged, waiting to be executed soon at the gallows, so Edward laments again that his friend has fallen into madness and wishes him luck and that hopefully he will not finally fall victim to the gallows, after this it is implied that vane was hanged in the morning due to the fact that he was a nasau pirate captain.
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