The Best Strategy Is Sometimes To Disrupt The Opponent's Entire Strategy


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    Published on Sep 03, 2022
    About :

    I think strategy is more important than power in battles, there is almost no team you can't beat with a good strategy. Many players team up with a good strategy before starting battles, thus giving their teams great advantages in battles. One of the best strategies is to disrupt the strategies of opponents. If you can disrupt your opponent's strategy in the battle with a good strategy, you will give your team a great advantage in the battle.

    Battle Link

    Battle Ruleset
    Mana Cap 36

    Stampede rule means the Trample ability can trigger multiple times per attack if the trampled Monster is killed.
    Equalizer rule means the initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.

    Before starting the battle in the video, I reviewed the last 5 battles of the opposing player and the opposing player had powerful NFT cards and generally preferred GRANDMASTER RATHE as the Summoner. Considering the ruleset of the battle, I guessed that the opposing player would prefer GRANDMASTER RATHE in this battle as well.

    Frankly, I love Magic Attackers and use them in many battles, but when I preferred Magic Attackers in this battle, I had almost no chance of winning this battle. I had a better chance of winning this battle with Melee Attackers, especially if I was targeting the opposing team's back line, my chances of winning could be much higher. This also meant disrupting the entire strategy of the opposing player. I determined my strategy in this direction while building a team.

    Line Up

    Summoner: KELYA FRENDUL

    I chose KELYA FRENDUL as Summoner in this battle because KELYA FRENDUL is a great Summoner that gives +1 Armor and +1 Speed to all friendly Monsters. I thought my team would need both Armor and Speed in this battle.

    Kelya’s home in Vorlan was lavish and full of prizes. On the walls hung weapons of great warriors and artifacts from deep dungeons. There were rooms filled to the brim with treasure and libraries overflowing with knowledge, tomes, and manuscripts. She had hundreds of servants and was butled from dawn until dusk. She even has the pleasure of leading the most stalwart and tactical squadron around, the Wave Breakers, a group of dwarven warriors. She uses Water magic to create weapons of crystallized water. Yet, there was one thing she sought about all else: the Silver Shield and Silver Sword.

    Kelya amassed so much wealth exploring numerous lands, she purchased a fleet of ships and built her home on the small island of Vorlan. Surrounded by sea and mist, she and her Wave Breakers constantly plot ways of finding the sword and shield. They also love a good challenge and especially enjoy combat. She and the Wave Breakers are often hired as mercenaries to clear out dungeons and fight on behalf of the highest bidder. The next highest bidder to come calling just so happened to be the Chaos Legion.

    Kelya doesn’t ask questions as long as her pockets are lined with coins and treasure. Yet, the promise of arriving in Kymia was more than enough for her to take the job. The legendary silver weapons may well be within her grasp and the Chaos Legion is her ticket to fortune and glory.

    Position 1: XENITH MONK

    XENITH MONK is a Monster that can attack targets with a Melee Attack and costs only 4 mana. He also has the Heal Ability at 2nd level. The main reasons I chose XENITH MONK were because he only has 4 mana and he has the Heal Ability and I put him in the first position.

    Xenith Monks created the Xenith Scale, a society devoted to enlightenment, knowledge, and the protection of others. Xenith Monks focus on expanding their minds to become more self aware and strive to achieve pure balance in all things in order to understand and comprehend Mana and its impact on the Splinterlands.

    The code of the Xenith Scale focuses on the art of healing, shielding, and directing the flow of Mana.

    Be a shield to those in need.

    Be a guiding light in the darkness.

    Be a helping hand to the weary.

    Be an unmoving scale, balanced as all things should be.

    Position 2: DEMENTED SHARK

    DEMENTED SHARK is a monster with the Inspire Ability that can attack the target with a Melee Attack. Monsters with the Inspire Ability give all friendly Monsters +1 Melee Attack. I wanted my team to attack the opposing team with powerful Melee Attacks. Thanks to DEMENTED SHARK, Melee Monsters on my team would be able to deal more damage to the opposing team. I put DEMENTED SHARK in second position in the team.

    Sharks are incredibly resilient in the wild of the Outer Ocean. Because of how recklessly and indiscriminately they throw themselves at prey, they are often marred and damaged by those they attack, who possess unseen (and often horrific) defenses. One of these creatures of prey that sharks continue to foolishly attack in the wild is called the edgefish, whose scales are sharp like blades of steel. Another is the genus Coelomomyces, a group of aquatic fungi creatures that when attacked, lay spores inside the brains of larger fish. Several weeks after the spores are laid, small, treelike fungus begins to grow from the sharks’ heads. This causes the sharks to completely lose control of themselves and fall into a perpetual blinding agony of rage. This is how the monsters known as Demented Sharks are born, and when they find their way into the inner sea of ΛZMΛRÉ, no Mer is safe.

    Position 3: DEEPLURKER

    DEEPLURKER is a very powerful monster with the Opportunity Ability that attacks targets with Melee Attacks. Monsters with the Opportunity Ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy Monster with the lowest health. I put DEEPLURKER in third position on the team.

    Terrifying to behold, Deeplurkers are a poisonous fish that dwell at the bottom of the ocean and prey on the weak. However, they are known to travel to the surface in times of dire need. Many believe that they are sensitive to the balance of elemental water magic and, when that balance is in danger, the Deeplurkers rise to attack or defend it.

    Position 4: SAND WORM

    SAND WORM is a pretty powerful Monster that can attack the target with a Melee Attack and has the Sneak Ability. Monsters with the Sneak Ability target the last Monster on the enemy team instead of the first Monster. Since the strategy in this battle is to destroy the back line of the opposing team, I added one of the strongest Sneak Monsters, the SAND WORM, to the team. In this battle, I put the SAND WORM in the fourth position in the team.

    Huge Sand Worms have always lived in the desert of Draykh-Nahka, but with the recent uncovering of the various Untamed Prophecies, they have mysteriously grown even larger. They have also become more wild and free, somehow discovering how to escape from the Sands of the Dragon Splinter. Although it has never been witnessed, biologists believe that the Worms have learned how to swim. If they have indeed learned to burrow through water like sand, the Splinterlands will suffer greatly from their proliferation. In Mount Mox battle, Sand Worms can swallow monsters of nearly any size with no need to chew. They can even snatch fliers directly from the air, extending out of the ground even higher than the arena walls.

    Position 5: URAEUS

    URAEUS is a powerful Monster that can attack targets with a Melee Attack and has the Sneak Ability. Also, URAEUS only costs 3 mana so I added it to the team and put it in fifth position. My strategy in this battle was to add 3 Sneak Monsters to my team, so I added it to the team as well.

    There is a famous circus camp in the Smoldering Forest of the Burning Lands called The Sirk. It has the boldest daredevils, the most agile acrobats and the most distinguished freaks anywhere in the Splinterlands. These performers are especially well known for their daring games with the most dangerous creatures in the world. They hold staring contests with sabrecats and shut themselves into small boxes with rabid Maglarian wolverines. When it comes to snakes, these daredevils have one rule: Don’t mess with a Uraeus.

    Position 6: PELACOR BANDIT

    PELACOR BANDIT is a powerful Monster that can attack targets with Melee Attacks and has Sneak and Flying Abilities. Also, PELACOR BANDIT only costs 3 mana. I added 3 Sneak Monsters to the team with PELACOR BANDIT. Also, since PELACOR BANDIT has the Flying Ability, I put him in the last position because he has a chance to evade Melee and Ranged Attacks. I also took into account the possibility of Sneak Monsters on the opposing team.

    Many centuries ago, the Pelacor followed the prophet, Edalus, on what has become known as the ‘Exile.’ They followed him into the Mountains of Fire surrounding Mount Praetorous. For generations they lived alone in these mountains, hidden away. They were taught to worship the sun and moon gods, Solaki and Lunaki, deities dreamt into existence from the bones of Edalus’ dead parents and his zealous mind. The scriptures read that the two Gods were carried into the heavens upon pieces of consecrated land, torn from the World to raise them high, so that their worshipers would always look up to them and forever be beneath their great heavenly power.

    On the darkest night of each year, Edalus would invoke rituals that would change the bodies of his people. Drawing upon the dormant power beneath the mountains, he caused angelic wings to sprout from their backs. This change was permanent and, in fact, most Pelacor offspring inherited the appendages from their parents.

    When Edalus finally passed away, ancient as he was, there was infighting between the people as to who should lead. Fractures in their harmonious way of life started to appear, and two very definitive factions arose. One worshiped the brother God, Solaki, and the other worshiped the sister God, Lunaki. So began the ‘War of the Sons and Daughters’, where Pelacor fought against one another, a rivalry that still continues to this day amongst some.

    When the magic veil over Praetoria and the Mountains of Fire fell, and the Chaos Legions invaded, the Pelacor decided they could hide away no more. Believing that the Chaos Legion would turn upon their floating Gods next if they conquered the Splinterlands, they began their ‘Great Descent’ into the lowlands, determined to fight this new threat that had arrived upon their world, and joined with the Lowlanders armies.

    Battle Comments

    My strategy in this battle was to target monsters in the last position on the opposing team with powerful Melee Attacks. Because destroying the opposing team's back line would increase my chances of winning the battle, so I added powerful Sneak Monsters to the team. This also messed up the entire strategy of the opposing player and indeed my strategy worked quite well in this battle. All the monsters in your team fought really great in this battle you can watch their excellent battle and great show in the video or battle link.

    My opinion

    Before I start the battle, I always review the last battles of the opposing player, this gives me inspiration for my strategy. If I can predict the opponent's strategy, I first determine a strategy to disrupt their strategy. I can say that this strategy usually works well, though not always. Determining the strategy according to the opponent makes my team more advantageous in the battle, and in this way, it is possible for me to beat even mor poweful teams than my team.

    What are your thoughts on the battle in video? I would be glad if you write your thoughts in the comments.

    Battle Link

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