An extraordinary Monster, CHAOS DRAGON is a very powerful and frightening Monster that strikes fear into enemy monsters. Even its cries frighten and tremble an entire army. No one knows the monster on its target except it, it can attack any monster in any position, so all enemy monsters are a target for it. It has incredible power and does devastating damage. Chaos Dragon is really a great beast, it helps me a lot to win many battles.
In Dragon Element battles, I usually add Chaos Dragon to the team. Chaos Dragon has 14 mana, so I usually add it to the team in high mana battles. No army would want to fight it because it is quite scary for the enemies. If you set a good strategy in battles and put the Chaos Dragon in the right position in the team, it will be quite effective. I put Chaos Dragon in a position other than first position on the team. Because when it is in the first position, its target will be the monster in the first position, but if it is out of the first position, all the monsters in the opposing team will be its target.
In other words, if the Chaos Dragon is out of the first position in the team, it will attack to destroy all the monsters in the opposing team. All enemy monsters are in its target and only it knows which monster to attack, no one else can know and predict.
When my strategy in combat with Chaos Dragon works well, my team most likely wins battles. I shared a battle with the Chaos Dragon in the video, I recommend you to watch it. By the way, all the NFT cards I use in battle are at level 1.
Summoner And Other Monsters In The Team
Remember battles are team play and good strategy always increases the probability of winning the battle.
What are your thoughts on the battle in the video and the Chaos Dragon?
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