Fire element monsters can be devastating against enemy monsters when enraged. In today's battle, even though the enemy monsters attacked with magic attack, they were very ineffective.
Rules in Battle
If there were no rules in this battle, perhaps the opposing team would have been more effective. I guess the opposing player didn't read the battle rules so she/he formed the wrong team. This made it easy for me to win. The opposing team had DJINN OSHANNUS, one of my favorite monsters. DJINN OSHANNUS was also very ineffective as she/he was on a misconfigured team.
That's why I advise everyone to read the rules of battle before starting a battle. If you set your strategy according to the rules of battle, you will have a higher chance of winning.
Malric is a unique curiosity in the already diverse Burning Lands. He is a spectre of fire with powerful attacks of his own, but he is also extraordinarily brilliant. Malric has graduated from every Ferexia school, including the prestigious Summun Infuria. He is especially skilled in boosting the attack power of his monsters.
The Minotaurs of Charlok are friends of the Exploding Dwarves of the Burning Lands. Although Minotaurs and Dwarves come from very different genetic backgrounds, both Charlok races emerged from the wreckage following the underground fall of Prujic, the Dwarven city of greed. These Minotaurs of flame hail from the same molten origins of the deep as the Exploding Dwarves, which Ferexia scholars have recently named Charlok. It was so named because only creatures of pure fire could have survived in the superheated furnace of the Planet. Since Prujic’s fall, Dwarves and Minotaurs alike have continually emerged and found their way to the surface, where the greater levels of oxygen have only made their flames and powers grow. In the shadow of the highest Molten Mountain, they have built together the emblazoned camp, where the two races are seeming to consolidate their power in the Splinterlands. The Charlok Minotaurs can also be summoned to tournament battle, where they are happy to demonstrate their thirst for fiery destruction.
It’s not easy being a three-headed dog. The constant bickering, biting and slobbering are always a distraction, and the heads can rarely agree on anything. When summoned to battle, these giant dogs present a fury of claw, flame and fang that is difficult for any monster to get past.
Goblins are everywhere in the Burning Lands, but they are all larger and stronger than the Goblins of Anumün. The Goblin Shaman of the Smoldering Forest are especially skilled in slowing and weakening their enemies with enchantments. Many of them can hypnotize with a simple gaze from their blood-red eyes.
Serpentines are naturally sneaky, but their highly-trained spies can infiltrate even the most secure bases in the Splinterlands. They wear minimal armor, because they are never caught. Retractable miniature spears are the chosen weapon of the Serpentine Spies; they can be hidden easily and brandished quickly for many uses.
The Kobolds of the Burning Lands are skilled at seeking and extracting precious stones from the innards of the planet. Their favorite tools are torches and hammers. Thanks to the extreme pride they take in their mining work, they happily accept their situation of servitude to the Torch.
In the hottest and darkest depths of Molten Mountain, enchanted burrowing beetles were transformed into monstrosities of fire. The gigantic Fire Beetles emerged from the lava lake known as Mittreya’s Hand, finding the Burning Lands quite habitable and wreaking havoc on the city of Azad.
Rewards from chests after completing my daily quest for today.
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