Fallout Playthrough #20 (Half-Blind)


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    Published on Dec 31, 2021
    About :

    It's the twentieth part of the playthrough. I finally return to Vault 13 with the Water Chip.

    Timestamps are below in case you need:

    • 01:15 - Random encounter after leaving the Brotherhood bunker.
    • 03:50 - Delivering the Water Chip to the Overseer.
    • 06:22 - After reading the journey report the Overseer is concerned about the threat of the Super Mutants and expects me to solve the problem.
    • 08:34 - (Vault level 1) Asking the medic for supplies. He gives me some stimpaks.
    • 11:52 - Leaving Vault 13 and heading west, I reach the place where it appears the mutants are being created.
    • 13:57 - In the middle of the battle, Katja is shot and killed. The second follower to die (remember Ian).
    • 19:11 - After collecting what I could of the bodies I enter the place. Another fight begins.
    • 20:57 - Avoid as much as possible to be hit with an explosion because of an engine bug that may crash the game (read the details at the end of the text).
    • 25:49 - The force fields blocking the way can hurt you. Using my science skill on the emitter on the side of the red ones I learn that I can pass through them as they are weak because the emitters are damaged. They still hurt you though.
    • 26:51 - Ouch, I didn't see the super mutant carrying a missile launcher. He was close to the wall.
    • 34:34 - Good thing he missed that shot. I managed to throw the grenades at them, and there are too many of them.
    • 36:27 - Melting them with plasma is pretty cool.
    • 43:14 - Taking the elevator to the second level.

    See you in the next episode. If are interested in the explosion crash bug that I mentioned before read it below.

    Many super mutants in this episode have missile launchers and explosives and the game may crash because of an engine bug related to explosions. Here is the quote from "Troubleshooting Fallout Fixt.txt":

    "Crashes after damaging someone with explosives?

    1. This is a limitation on the Fallout engine that I can't fix, but there are workarounds. (It's fixed in the Fallout 2 engine by modders)
    2. First, see if you can kill them with one blast, and stay on the map when the blast goes off. That should avoid this whole issue.
    3. If you get attacked by whomever the explosives damaged after it detonates, try again because you're going to get a crash. If combat didn't engage, you're good.
    4. IMPORTANT NOTE: With either of the options below, once you return to the map you must enter the combat round (press "A") and then end the combat round (press "Enter") so that the engine can clear combat variables. This is why the crashes happen to begin with; uncleared combat variables related to explosion damage.
    5. Option 1: Set a timer for the explosives from your active hand. This means inventory is closed. When you click the explosives and set the timer, it'll drop to your feet automatically. Leave the map before the explosives detonate. (See #6 for a note about leaving the map)
    6. Option 2: Set timer from inventory but DO NOT DROP the explosives. Exit inventory then plants the explosives on your target using Steal. Leave the map before the explosives detonate. (See #6 for a note about leaving the map)
    7. Leaving the map before the explosives detonate isn't without its downsides. The script flags might not trigger when leaving the map this way, meaning the game might not register these people as actually dead, for the purposes of quests and such."
    Tags :

    fallout classicfallouts rpg gaming hivegaming gameplay blindplaythrough

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