Hello skaters.
Yesterday I shared a sweet Bs nosegrind that as I told you is one of my favorite tricks and today I will share a Bs feeble that is also one of my favorite tricks and that I have not done for some time.
Hola, skaters.
Ayer les comparti un dulce Bs nosegrind que como les comente es uno de mis trucos favoritos y hoy les compartire un Bs feeble que tambien es uno de mis trucos favoritos y que tengo algun tiempo que no hago.
I was trying a few times until I did it and the good thing was that I was able to drop it several times. I hope you enjoy the video.
Estuve haciendo algunos intentos hasta lograrlo y lo bueno fue que pude caerlo varias veces. Espero que disfruten del video.
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