Start of My 100 Hive Rising Star Journey | Bought 300 packs and open all of them !


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    Published on Dec 06, 2022
    About :

    Rising Star (1).png

    Intro and Preview

    Hello Everyone !
    Welcome back to Ramadhanight's Blog, now i serve you with new session. It's another investment experiment with 100 Hive. I've done it with WOO, now i try it to another hive game, Rising Star !
    I've played this game long time ago with just 3 cards for trying the game and never get serious. I have a long break and now i decide to jumped in it again. I think this game is one of the biggest and most popular game on hive behind the Splinterlands. And i'm curious about the earning we could get from this game.
    Every weeks, i will try to update my progress on this game and show you what i've got and any other things that i want to share about this game. Now without any further, let's start this session !

    My Old Life on Rising Star

    I have mentioned that this is not my first time trying this game. I have played with just 3 cards and stuck on Midweek Headline Shot as i don't have enough fans to progress into higher mission. I just have 125 fans, 320 skill, 14 luck, and 3 IM as picture's below.

    Stats Awal.jpg

    I got those stats with 3 cards as picture's below which added with some music lesson to increase the skills, because if i don't do that, my ego would grow higher as i finished every mission.


    And before i decide to relife my journey on rising star, i'm on Level 26 with 2694 starbits on my pocket. I actually want a fresh start from level 1, but since rising star have strict rules about multiple account, i decide to use this old and only rising start account that i have.

    Old Stats.jpg

    Spend My 100 Hive For Initial Investment

    It's another 100 hive for starting the Journey. Just like the WOO Journey, i decide to spent my hive to bought the game token (on this case it's starbits) then bought the pack from those token. At that time, 100 hive got me 2,596,074 starbits in total, and i decide to spent the 2,500,000 to bought the packs which get me 300 packs in total !


    And since i don't know how to unpack it all at once (or maybe there is no way to do that), i ended up open the pack 1 by 1, which cause me to spent 30 minutes for done the unpack ! If you want to watch, i attach the video on 3speak And there is no higher tier cards than the 7 epic cards that i pulled, i think it will be different journey than my WOO journey that i luckily got the Raven cards.

    My New Stats

    The 300 unpacks is getting me like a superheroes that having an instant power up ! Now i suddenly have 31740 fans, 7348 luck, 27490 skill, and 648 IM ! Here is the picture of it !

    Stats After.jpg

    I also compare the starbits earn from the mission. On the illegal busking that only got me 1-15 starbits, now i could earn up to 567 starbits ! So my reward potential have increased more than 37 times ! And i think it could be more if i could get more skills to get my ego lower.

    Old mission reward.jpg

    The old mission reward

    Reward After.jpg

    New misison reward

    My Collection Value

    I think it's important to know the value of my asset, because i will give a report about the income later. I have spent my time to manually listing my cards and put the price base on the nftmart at the time (Please tell me if there is instant way to check all of the collection's value). In total, my collection value is on 2,652,078 starbits, plus the Jew's Harp that not listen in starbits at the day and having price tag of 1 swap hive instead (i got 3 copy of it). At this rate, i think it's not that unlucky unpack after all as i still passed the BEP and got 152,078 starbits worth as a bonus. But we bought it manually, i think those cards will cost more since there is many cards with more than 1 copy here, and i'm sure the market price of those cards will not all the same, it's just the lower price that is shown below. But if i want to sell all of those cards, i might have to get the lower price so my cards will got listed on the top.






    My Plans Ahead

    I think i will trying to complete the mission chapter while trying to reduce my ego, then bought the packs just like what i did with the WOO. I also consider to buy the cards manually on the market for completing my collection since it would give a bonus points for the ranking things.

    And i also read the post by @slobberchops on link below about the importance of instrument specialisation, i think it would be better to have 1 kind of music instrument but buying packs will gave me random cards 😅

    What do you think i should do next ? Please put on the comment section if you have an idea about it

    Final Words

    Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope this post and the next reports will give you some sight about this game. Please let me know anything about this game that still not mentioned by me, so i could keep developing.

    If you want to join, simply visit their website on link below or go into their hive blog here @risingstargame

    Notes: All this post is not a financial advice, just my experience that i want to share. The cards you get from packs might different because there is a lucky factor on it. Please do your own research before investing into any investment instrument.

    I also had giveaway with CL ards on my profile, don't miss it !

    Set 3% of beneficiary to @indonesianhiver for all Indonesian hive blogger development

    3Speak for the cool video platform
    Hive for the very useful community platform and the nice logo
    @risingstargame for the cool game and the logo
    Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
    All curators for the upvotes
    Canva for the free photoshop

    ~Thank You~

    Tags :

    risingstar hivegaming leofinance oneup ctp blockchaingaming hive investment experiment creativecoin proofofbrain music gaming game neoxian

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