We are beings that love fun and anime can express it in extremely dynamic and hilarious ways because of the mastery that they handle the nonsense of a story, I think our brain is used to and is forced to see the logic of things but when we take it out of its comfort zone, it's like a dose of adrenaline that pleases, so I think this kind of products with a slight flash of rationality wrapped in a crazy plot reach so many of us.
Dotto! Koni-Chan is an anime that was recommended to me by my girl Ivana from @aibi93 to whom I send my greetings and she was not wrong when she told me that I was not going to stop laughing with this anime treasure that is still in the memory of many, especially at the Latin American level that because of nostalgia I noticed after doing a little research that the soul of this anime is still in their hearts as well as in Ivana's heart.
You must already know about the massive success that My Deer Friend Konotan has been and if you don't know it, I already mentioned it in the community, now the important thing to highlight is that it exploded like an atomic bomb the search of the spectators for a story that lacks almost in its totality of rationality, that is to say, they look for sequences of scenes that make us wonder what we have seen and even if we try to understand it, precisely not understanding it is the funny thing.
That's where the past is wise and shows us that this concept has been successful before, it's latent in our minds and Doppo! Koni Chan shows it as an ephemeral memory of the past with a lot of power by having a girl who seeks to achieve everything with her charm, a guy with glasses who solves everything with money, a brave boy but everything goes wrong and a fat guy who everything goes right... what else do you expect to see this anime haha.
In the video you will see an extension of what I just wrote to encourage you to watch this powerful anime of the now distant 2000 that was in the now extinct Animax, thanks Ivana for recommending it to me.
Somos seres que nos encanta la diversión y el anime puede expresarlo de unas formas en extremo dinámicas e hilarante por la maestría que manejan el sin sentido de una historia, pienso que nuestro cerebro esta acostumbrado y se obliga a ver la lógica de las cosas pero cuando le sacamos de su zona de confort, es como una dosis de adrenalina que agrada, por eso pienso este tipo de productos con un ligero destello de racionalidad envuelta en una locura argumental llegan a tantos de nosotros.
Dotto! Koni-Chan es una anime que me recomendó mi muchachona Ivana de @aibi93 a quien le envio un saludo y no se equivoco cuando me dijo que no iba a parar de reír con este tesoro de anime que aun esta en el recuerdo de muchos sobre todo a nivel latino americano que por la nostalgia noto luego de hacer una pequeña investigación que el alma de este anime aun esta en sus corazones así como en el de Ivana.
Ya deben saber del exito masivo que ha sido My Deer Friend Konotan y si no lo saben, ya lo mencione en la comunidad, ahora lo importantes a destacar es que exploto como una bomba atómica la búsqueda de los espectadores por una historia que carezca casi que en su totalidad de racionalidad, es decir, buscan secuencias de escenas que nos hacen preguntarnos que es lo que hemos visto y por mas que tratamos de entender, precisamente el no entederlo es lo gracioso.
Allí es donde el pasado es sabio y nos muestra que este concepto ha sido un éxito antes, esta latente en nuestras mentes y Doppo!! Koni Chan lo demuestra como una memoria efímera del pasado con mucho poder al tener una niña que busca lograr todo con sus encanto, un chico de lentes que resuelve todo con dinero, un niño valiente pero todo le sale mal y un gordo que todo le sale bien... que mas esperas para ver este anime jaja.
En el video veras una extensión de lo que acabo de escribir para animarte a ver este potente anime de los ya lejanos 2000 que estuvo en el ya extinto Animax, gracias Ivana por recomendármelo.
I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.
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