Welcome to this Review with Spoilers of the season 2 finale of House of The Dragon to which I give a 9 out of 10 with all the magic of my heart in darkness because if there is something that amazes me about this story is how it is adorned with the concept of Gods, it is noticeable in the author GRRM how he takes the concept of Gods of ancient cultures and makes it his own where the medieval predominates, moving the behavior of the Gods to his story.
In this episode Helaena my beloved baby Targaryen I consider her the protagonist, she is a character that I liked and I have noticed how the fandom also has a huge affection for her even though she has not had an importance of power in the series until this chapter where she deploys the Fates marked by all the pieces of the board.
Beyond the above that in itself is enough, I highlight her actress Phia Saban for the marked change of personality that gives her character, in that moment I think our Helaena perishes and who speaks is the evil God who plays like a spoiled child with the future of Rhaenyra and tells us his prophecies, I was in front of the pc stupefied at what I heard, so I loved the episode because not knowing anything about what will happen in the future with the story, all this shocks me pleasantly.
Otto Hightower for goodness sake what have I seen of you 😱 and Sir Criston Cole sunk in sadness doing morning musings in front of the campfire and truth be told I sit next to him also drowning in sadness waiting for the next season to come in two years if not more.... Old and New Gods to wait so long is too much punishment for this simple mortal!!!
Bienvenidos a esta Reseña con Spoilers del final de la temporada 2 de House of The Dragon al que le doy un 9 de 10 con toda la magia de mi corazón en tinieblas porque si hay algo que me maravilla de esta historia es el como esta adornada con el concepto Dioses, se nota en el autor GRRM el como toma el concepto Dioses de culturas antiguas y lo hace suyo donde predomina lo medieval, trasladando ese comportamiento de los Dioses a su historia.
En este episodio Helaena mi amada bebita Targaryen la considero la protagonista, es un personaje que me ha gustado y he notado como el fandom también le tiene un cariño enorme a pesar de que no haya tenido una importancia de poder en la serie hasta este capítulo donde despliega los Destino marcados de todas las piezas del tablero.
Mas allá de lo anterior que de por sí es bastante, destaco a su actriz Phia Saban por el marcado cambio de personalidad que le da a su personaje, en ese instante pienso nuestra Helaena perece y quien habla es el malvado Dios que juega tal cual un niño malcriado con el futuro de Rhaenyra y nos dice sus profecías, yo quede frente a la pc estupefacto ante lo que escuche, por eso me encanto el episodio porque al no saber nada de lo que sucederá a futuro con la historia, todo esto me impacta gratamente.
Otto Hightower por dios santo que he visto de ti 😱 y Sir Criston Cole hundido en la tristeza haciendo reflexiones matutinas frente a la fogata y la verdad me siento junto a él también ahogado en tristeza a la espera de la próxima temporada que vendrá en dos años si no es que mas.... Antiguos y Nuevos Dioses esperar tanto es demasiado castigo para este simple mortal!!
I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.
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