In this channel we love villains and more if they are demons like the ones I am going to review today with spoilers, they come from the anime Demon Slayer, a story that pleasantly has left me good evil characters, they have good attributes of cruelty, something that I notice has been fading in the American side but the Japanese stories I see a lot of consistency in the authors to raise these characters and also give them a purpose or background.
It depends on the story but I lean towards villains that have a past that justifies that cruelty because that gives feelings, empathy with the character that is supposed to represent evil, that feeling pleases me, I don't know if it happens to you or if you only like heroes but for me what really gives life to a story are the villains.
We have the beautiful Daki, I have fallen in love with this woman not only for the physical that can be seen with the naked eye, also for her annoying personality, in itself I do not like women so quiet haha, then she captivates me by how annoying and spoiled she can be.
Now beyond the above, who gives value to this arc and characters is Gyutaro, an anecdote I want to tell you is that thanks to the almighty god nobody made me spoiler of the existence of Daki's brother, I was in front of the pc stupefied because Daki did not disappear after his battle with the Hashira of sound and out of nowhere comes Gyutaro to put order, one of the best feelings I keep because the opening ruins that and I did well not to see it until the end of the arc.
Then of course the character gets to me as it should be, with the surprise to the maximum, he is powerful but what gets to me is his childhood, his humiliation, his sadness, his physical fragility but also his eternal love for his sister because he is her protector.
In the video you will hear more of my written opinion that I conclude with the fact that I see two very human villains and if something often does not develop well Demon Slayer is the past of the demons but in this case it is a success how I present them and the feeling came fully to me, I hope it has been the same with you.
En este canal amamos a los villanos y más si son demonios como los que hoy voy a reseñar con spoilers, vienen del anime Demon Slayer, una historia que gratamente me ha dejado buenos personajes malvados, tienen buenos atributos de crueldad, cosa que noto se ha ido desvaneciendo en el lado americano pero las historias japonesas veo mucha consistencia en los autores para plantear estos personajes y además darles un propósito o trasfondo.
Depende de la historia pero me inclino por los villanos que tienen un pasado que justifica esa crueldad porque eso da sentimientos, empatía con el personaje que se supone representa la maldad, esa sensación me agrada, no se si a ustedes les pase o solo les gusten los héroes pero para mi lo que verdaderamente da vida a una historia son los villanos.
Tenemos a la preciosa Daki, he quedado enamorado de esta mujer no solo por el físico que se puede ver a simple vista, también por su personalidad molesta, en sí no me agradan las mujeres tan tranquilas jaja, entonces ella me cautiva por lo fastidiosa y mimada que puede ser.
Ahora mas allá de lo anterior, quien le da valor a este arco y personajes es Gyutaro, una anécdota que quiero contarles es que gracias al dios todopoderoso nadie me hizo spoiler de la existencia del hermano de Daki, yo estaba frente a la pc estupefacto porque Daki no desapareció luego de su batalla con el Hashira del sonido y de la nada sale Gyutaro a poner orden, una de las sensaciones que mejor guardo porque el opening arruina eso e hice bien en no verlo hasta ya finalizado el arco.
Entonces claro el personaje llega a mi como debe ser, con la sorpresa al máximo, es poderoso pero lo que llega a mi es su infancia, su humillación, su tristeza, su fragilidad física pero también su amor eterno por su hermana porque el es su protector.
En el video escucharan mas de mi opinión escrita que concluyo con el hecho de que veo dos villanos muy humanos y si algo muchas veces no desarrolla bien Demon Slayer es el pasado de los demonios pero en este caso es un acierto el como los presento y el sentimiento llego plenamente a mi, espero haya sido igual contigo.
I dedicate each and every one of my posts and videos to my little dog named princess, we called her chiquito, she is no longer with us but from heaven she will see that her existence was valuable and the most beautiful thing that will exist in my heart and soul.
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