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The World Economic Forum is meeting for their annual summit in Davos Switzerland with one particular panel discussion titled “Preparing for Disease X” which imagines a hypothetical disease that will involve “20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic”.
If this sounds familiar that may be because the WEF already held a simulation called “Event 201” in 2019 that imagined a “hypothetical” global pandemic and what the global response to that should look like, which was followed by the real world Covid-19(84) actually happening with world leaders then acting out the pre planned “solution” for this pre planned event.
In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest predictive programming campaign that is designed to reinvigorate the global fear state for yet another global inoculation program.
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The TRUTH About The CORONAVIRUS They Hope You’ll NEVER SEE!!!
Del Bigtree On Coronavirus And The Coming MANDATORY Vaccination Program!
The PRE PLANNED Global Response To COVID-19 And The ENDGAME Agenda EXPOSED With James Corbett!!
We Need To Talk About EVENT 201 And The COVID-19 Predictive Programming Campaign!!!
COVID-19 is A Carefully Choreographed PLANDEMIC And The Government Is The REAL VIRUS!!!
How To GET THROUGH A Covid-19(84) Travel Checkpoint With Press For Truth!!!
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